one: mornings with jacob

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Mornings with Jacob Elordi
Warnings: none


Waking up in the morning was always the hardest part of the day for you. Jacob on the other hand, woke up bright and early for his morning workout sessions.

The bright light of the sun beamed through the thin curtains causing your eyes to flutter open. Trying to avoid the sun, you turned on your side reaching for Jacob. He was no longer laying down in the bed, but sitting up on the edge of the bed. You shuffled close enough to him so that you can poke his bare back.

He turned around to see you sleepily smiling up at him, and it was the best thing to wake up to. He leaned back on the bed so that his head was resting on your waist smiling back at you.

"You're up early." Jacob says reaching for your face, his fingers lightly caressing your cheek. You grabbed his hand and kissed the back of his fingers gently, full of love and adoration.

"The sun was shining through our very thin curtains." You say matter of factly which gained you a little chuckle from him. You knew he liked your curtains, it let in some natural light and it made it him happy.

Before sitting up, you run your fingers through his hair leaving it a mess. He gets up with you, and you both race to the bathroom to brush your teeth. His long legs get him there faster and now you're left to wait at the doorway.

"Here, there's enough room for both of us." He moves over for you while he prepares his toothbrush. After preparing your toothbrush, you both brush your teeth in unison; him mostly mocking you.

When you guys finish up with that, he gets ready for his workout. Usually you'll come down later and workout with him, but today you decided to make some breakfast for yourself and Jacob.

"I'm going to make something to eat for us while you go handle your business." You state and he nods his head, ruffling your hair.

Making your way downstairs, you both part ways. When you get down to the kitchen, you decide on making blueberry pancakes.

An hour and some minutes pass before Jacob comes from working out. You're already done with the pancakes, but decided against eating them without him.

"So, how was today's workout?" You ask, as he signals you to feed him a blueberry. You pop a few in his mouth and he responded, "It was good, kind of boring with no one to talk to." He throws an indirect comment towards you.

"Oops," you shrug playfully, "besides, go take a shower." He laughs at your attempts at swatting him with a rag, but he eventually leaves to shower.

After a couple of minutes, he came back. "He's back and he's better than ever!" You chanted making him blush and pose.

He saunters over to you and kisses you before sitting down to enjoy the pancakes you made. You guys eat, crack some jokes and talk about his role in Euphoria.

It was a pretty good morning.

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