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* Louis' POV *


The all too familiar noise of my alarm wakes me up. As I reach over to turn it off, it clatters to the ground.


I reach down and flick the switch, turning it off. "Time for another long day of the waiting game, ey Tommo" I mumble to myself.

After a long shower I manage to get dressed, I wear blue jeans, a grey T-shirt and a hoodie. I comb my hair and head downstairs to grab my keys.

As I climb into my car, I bump my head against the roof. Fuck. "Great start to the morning, ey Tommo." I mutter to myself, starting my car.

The all too familiar surroundings clouded my vision, the long roads that lead into town seemed to continue forever. Cars crowded the roadway, people flooded the sidewalks and I continued driving.

Nothing seemed out of place today, everything was as usual. Though the butterflies in the pit of my stomach continued, they always appeared there. Especially when I was going to see her. The love of my life, the reason why I get these butterflies every day.

By the time I'd parked my car and taken the nearest elevator I was puffed, I pushed level four and waited as the elevator door came to a close leaving me in my own private sanctuary.

As I waited I thought, I pondered. What's going through her mind? Is she awake? Will she ever wake? Will she even remember me? I pinched the bridge of my nose, closing my eyes and taking deep breathes.

Suddenly my thinking was interrupted, the elevator doors opened with a signature 'ding!' Signalling me to enter level four.

I exited the elevator, making my way to her room. Down the left Isle, three doors down and to the right.

As I walked into her room, I saw her in all her beauty. Her long brown hair cascaded down her jaw and past her shoulders, her pink lips were slightly parted as she took each soft breath. Her long eyelashes swept her cheekbones, making her look as beautiful as ever. Her hands were placed on her tummy, fingers intertwined and cupped together. There were no coherent words to describe her, she was and still is the love of my life.

Her name was clearly written in whiteboard marker, on a small hospital whiteboard. Above her head, in cursive writing read,

Claire Elisabeth Malik.

Monitors were keeping track of her every breath and heartbeat, needles stuck into her hand and she looked so pale. I walked closer and sat on the chair by her bed, grabbing one of her cold clammy hands and holding it in my own. I kissed the back of her palm ever so gently. She looked like one of those precious China dolls, one slip or fall and she'll break.

I brushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear, kissing her cheek. The butterflies in my stomach had since gone and I was left with a sick, empty feeling in the pit of my tummy.

This was all my fault, if I hadn't of been so careless that night, she could've still been here with me. I would still be able to listen to her sweet, vanilla voice. Her soft green eyes would still look back into my blue ones, oh her eyes. Her sweet, sweet green eyes.

I choke on my breath a little as I try to speak, "p-please Claire, please wake up. I miss you, I miss e-everything about you. You mean s-so much to me, Claire. So! So so much, I can't even beg-begin to explain how much I-I miss you-" I trail off dabbing at my wet eyes with the sleeves of my hoodie.

I could feel her slow, soft pulse between my fingers. It gave me some recognition, enough to know that she was still alive, still breathing. After regaining myself, I feel my tummy rumble reminding me that I hadn't had breakfast. Knowing so, I placed Claire's hand back with her other and kissed her cheek as I stood up. "I'll be back soon, love. Okay?" I mumble, knowing full well she can't hear me anyway.

I begin making my way towards the tea room, breathing a sigh of relief knowing that I would have the room to myself.

I make my way over to the all too familiar coffee machine and begin to make my coffee, waiting till it's just right. I pour myself some coffee in my take-away cup and turn on the news, the same old stories pop up on the screen. Apart from one. One that seems to catch my eye, intriguing me.


Claire was in a coma, maybe this could help her. I watched as the presenter continued. "Do you know of or have had someone in hospital with a coma?

Yes, I nod to myself.

Then you'd know how hard it can be, well new research has found a new possible treatment. It's Called project 7, our special guest Hayden will be here soon to talk to us about it. Until then, here's Jace with sport" and that's when I suddenly heard my name.

"Louis, Louis Tomlinson. Long time no see, ey?"

His deep voice breaking me from the tv, making me turn my head quickly. Only to be met by him, the love of my life's brother...

Zayn Javaad Malik.

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