"She's pregnant T."

Teresa gasps loudly at Aimee's statement as I glare at the younger girl. "I'm sorry Dani, I know you wanted to tell Newt before telling anyone else about this but she is your best friend too and I can't be the only one around knowing about it. What if something happens to you when I'm not around and Newt hasn't been told about it? Someone has got to know for your own safety." She says authoritively, proving a very true point despite me not wanting to believe it.

I take a deep breath and stand up straight, meeting Teresa's shocked eyes. "You're- You're pregnant?" T whispers in disbelief. I nod my head and give her a tight-lipped smile. "Why else did you think I didn't want to wear this dress today?" I ask, pointing to the small bump I had on my lower torso.

Teresa leaps forward and pulls me into a tight hug, somehow pulling Aimee into it too. "This is great-" She exclaims, but stops the minute I pull from the embrace and shake my head. "No! No, it's not. Any other circumstance and it would be, but not while we live in this world." I tell her, shaking my head furiously as I bit my lip.

"I'm not following..." She frowns, slightly confused by my slight outburst. "Did my mother ever tell you what the Plan B for me would hopefully be if I didn't make the cure myself?" I say sadly, seeing Teresa nod her head slowly as the dots connect. Once the dots connect her face falls again. "They'll take it away from you if they know you're pregnant..." She breathes out.

"Exactly. So I have to keep this as quiet as I can until we are somewhere safe. Otherwise I will be taken and kept somewhere until I reach full term and deliver this baby. After that I'll probably never see it again because in the small chance that it does have the cure for blood it will be kept somewhere like a test subject and consistently harvested for its blood. And if it doesn't have the cure for blood, which is the most likely of all scenarios, me and it will both be killed."

Teresa and Aimee stay quiet as they listen to the exact reason I was most afraid about this baby, and once I had finished they both place their hands on my shoulders. "Ok, we're going to do the best that we can to keep you safe for as long as we can ok. And we aren't going to let this slip to anyone either. Providing you tell Newt as soon as you can because having one of three of us by your side at all times trying to keep you safe is better than two. Especially because it's Newt, the father of this baby I hope, and the one person who is glued to your side no matter what already."

I chuckle lightly at Teresa's miniscule worry and smile. "It is his, yes. No doubt about it." All three of us laugh as we start walking towards the exit again, and Aimee takes her turn to start laughing again. "But for now, we are walking the rest of the way. With hope, we aren't going to have to be running much outside of here anyway."

I nod my head again, despite me not wanting to agree, but I do for arguments sake anyway.


From there, it probably took us another half an hour to reach the exit, where we were now sat waiting, and had been waiting for 40 minutes. After about 5 minutes of us walking an alarm started to blare from inside the facility, which we guessed meant they knew we were missing. That was one of the other things we were worried about, because if they knew we were gone then the likliness that they were guarding the exit more was higher.

But for now, Aimee's leg was bouncing up and down consistently while Teresa was picking at the skin around her nails, both traits I had seen from both girls whenever they were scared or anxious about something. But me, I was using up all my nerves into actually evaluating my own ankle. I had always seen it and looked at the scar, but I had never really looked at it.

Listen ~ The Maze Runner ~ NewtTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon