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Two months later

Aïda pov

It's been two months, two months since that night. We have been hanging out and he has been driving me to school sometimes. It is now the end of the school day and I see Latrelle hanging out with some of his buddies. He looks at me and waves. I smile as he walks to me sand says
"Wassup A"
I smile and say
"I'm doing good and you?"
He smiles and says
"I'm good"
I smile and from a distance see Oscar sitting on his car, looking at us. Latrelle says
"Anyways, see ya"
I smile and cautiously walk to Oscar car. He opens the door for me and I get in. He gets in the drivers seat and seems mad. I kiss him but he seems resistant. I look at him and say
"What's wrong baby?"
He stiffens and says
"What the fuck were you doing with Latrelle?"
I say
"Talking, catching up, why?"
He says
"Why?! He's a fucking prophet and your mine, that's why!"
I look at him and say
"We're friends"
He looks at me and says
"These prophets need to know who the fuck you are now, I need to claim you"
I shake my head and say
"No, I do not need to be in any gangs business"
He looks at me and says
"You are already in the gangs business, you made sure of that when you started seeing me, sleeping with me almost every night"
I look at him and say
"That's how far I'm willing to go"
He says
"Bebita, this is just the beginning..."
He lifts up my skirt and plays with my thighs, he says
"You play a big role in my future."
He kisses my neck and says
"We gon get married one day, and we're also gonna have children and fuck till our hairs grow grey, even then, we won't stop. You spending the rest of your life with me"
I moan and he says
"Let's go home"
He lets me go and starts driving.

Later that day

I am walking next to Jamal who is completely obsessed with the Rollerworld money. He says
"Look you need to help me convince Monse about the money, please?"
I look at him and say
"If I do will you stop?"
He nods and I say
"Fine, I will"
He jumps up and down and says
I nod and I see Monse, Ruby and Cesar walking around a really fast paste, then I understand why. Jasmine. She is literally running after them. Monse sees me and runs faster. Before I can stop her she says
"Run with me"
I nod and run with her. Jamal screams
"Forgot somebody?"
I look at him and say
"Run with us genius"
We run and Cesar catches up to us. I tell Monse
"Hey, Jamal wants us to help with the rollerworld money"
Monse sighs and says
"Do you wanna do it?"
I say
"I'm getting bored so..."
She says
Cesar says
"Hey wanna hang out at the park. I don't really wanna be alone"
I look at Monse and she nods. I say
He smiles and we walk to the park to see the santos sitting on the benches talking. I look at Cesar and say
"I thought you wanted us to chill, like just the three of us"
He says
"I didn't think you would mind"
Monse says
"I don't feel comfortable with you hanging with gangs"
Cesar says
"Monse, this is what I was meant for, you can't stop me"
I roll my eyes and say
"Cesar, your a fool to think that you need to go this way"
He says
"You don't understand..."
Somebody behind us says
"He wouldn't just be betraying me, he would be betraying his ancestors"
I turn around and see Oscar staring me down. Monse says
"It doesn't mean he can change, he doesn't have to be losers like the rest of you"
Oscar barks
"Cesar control your hyna!"
The santos get up in a defensive stance and I say
"Her name'a Monse, and she kinda makes a point"
He looks at me hurt and says
"You think I'm a loser"
I quickly say
"No! Not that part..."
He relaxes and I say
"She makes a point when she says that he doesn't have to go this way"
He steps closer to me and says
"He does. This is the life he was meant for, not your pretty man dreams."
He looks at me and says
"Don't try to stop him or put some dumb shit in head"
He looks at me and Cesar says
"Hey look, I think they got the point"
Oscar says
"Oh she definitively did"
Cesar says
"Barbecue ready yet?"
Oscar nods and says
"Let's go"
Everybody follows him and I look at Monse as she looks at me. I say
"Let's get this over with"
She nods. As the barbecue goes on, I refuse to eat the damn food and so does Monse. Oscar is still staring at me while talking to Sad eyes but I ignore him until he stomps his ass over here with a plate. He says
I say
"I'm not hungry"
He says
"It's a barbecue, the one thing you do is eating"
I say
He smiles and gives me the plate, as soon as I get it, I throw it on the ground. He looks at me angrily and I say
"Don't push it"
He says
"Your being immature, you know I didn't mean to hurt you"
I say
"Who said this had anything to do with the events that happened early, I'm simply not hungry"
He sits down and says
"Monse leave us alone"
I interrupt and say
She says
"It's fine, I can go, Cesar's nudging me over anyways"
I sigh and nod. She leaves and he looks at me and I say
"Say what you have to say quickly then go"
He looks at me and says
"Don't be playing those games with me"
He says
"That Monse girl, she playing with your mind to much, keeping you away from me"
I laugh and say
"Bye Oscar"
He says
"Your pushing me away"
I look at him and say
"So what?"
He looks at me and says
"Don't do that. You know how I feel about you."
I look at him and say
"It won't last, you know it, I know it. We are to different, in opinions and other matters"
His hands slide on my thighs and he looks at me. He says
"Think whatever you want, your mine. If I have to get rid of everybody giving you ideas that your not, I will. Gladly"
I look at him and say
"Leave me alone."
He laughs and says
"Come at my house, tonight, don't make me come and get you"
I glare at him as he gets up.

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