I released my hair from the pony tail I had put it in, combing through it with my fingers. I then put it into a messy bun on the top of my head and stuffed my sweatshirt back into my bag.

I dug through my purse to find my phone, and the first thing I did was log onto twitter.

Happy birthday to the biggest goof I've ever met. Love you @Louis_Tomlinson

After tweeting Louis happy birthday, I pulled up my messages and texted both of my parents that I was fine. I also sent Liam a good morning text in hopes that it would start his day off with a smile. Yeah, that's me –the cheesy romantic one.

After all was said and done, I gathered my belongings and made my way back to the Southwest Airlines desk. From the looks of it, the storm had died down. Even though it was still snowing, the wind wasn't whipping nearly as bad. The runways looked to be cleared, so I was praying that I was going to get some good news.

Once I found my way back to the desk, I groaned. Even if there was good news to be had, it would have to wait, because the line was terribly long. I snaked my way through the mass of people to the end of the line. It was the perfect way to start off my day.

Time had never passed so slowly. It seemed like no one was happy with the results that they got. Every person that left the line had a disgusted look on their face, and it left me with very little hope. The only thing I figured I had going for me was the fact that Omaha was only an hour away, and normally there were plenty of flights back there.

"Excuse me, Charlotte?" I turned around to see a thirteen year old girl with large green eyes looking up at me.

"Yes?" I asked sweetly, trying to hide my bitter attitude. Traveling typically brings out the worst in people.

"You, yo-you are Charlotte right?"

I laughed, "Yeah that's me."

"Charlotte McDermott?"

I nodded, "Are you a One Direction fan?"

She smiled a giant toothy smile, the way so many fans did when they just heard the boys' names. The overwhelming affect they had on people was astonishing.

"Well let's get introductions done properly, I'm Charlotte." I held my hand out to her.

"I'm Christie."

"Nice to meet you!"

She laughed, "It's nice to meet you, too. Um, this is awkward but can I get a picture?"

"Sure, I don't know why you'd want one with me, plus I don't look very good."

"Nah- you're beautiful. Liam's lucky to have you."

I thanked her, "I'm glad you feel that way because not many people do."

Her mom took the picture on her phone, before we resumed our conversation.

"I mean Liam Payne is dating someone from my hometown. Why wouldn't I love you?"

"Ohhhh!" I bellowed. "You're from Omaha?"

"Yep," she smiled. "You haven't been home yet have you?"

I motioned towards the line. I had made decent progress in the forty-five minutes I had been standing there, but I would be waiting for about another half hour at the least. "I'm trying to get there."

A World of Differences [1DFF]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora