How you meet

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Micheal Myers:
You had recently moved to Handonfeild and bought the Myers old home. It seemed like a good deal at first because the house's price was extremely low for its condition. Micheal however, didn't want you in the home and began watching you. It went on like that until he found the right moment to finish you. As he was moments away from ending it all, he realized he couldn't bring himself to finish the job.

Jason Voorhees:
You went camping with some friends at a local lake. But when they decided to leave you there, you ran into Jason. Jason had found you sitting on the steps of the cabin, crying. He felt pity for you, having known what if felt like and let you live because of it.

Bubba Sawyer:
Being knocked out and kidnapped by drayton, you were brought back to the Sawyer house in order to be finished off. When Bubba first saw you he didn't want to and felt that you were different. And after a short battle of Drayton's yelling and Bubba's incoherent screeching, Drayton finally gave up and let him keep you.

Thomas Hewitt:
Thomas met you after you had an accident. Hoyt had found your truck in a ditch, and with you still being alive, took you back to the house. He told Tommy to do what he normally would but Thomas couldn't. When you woke up, you found yourself stichted up and with Thomas.

Bo Sinclair:
Being dropped off by his brother, you went into the gas station looking for some help after your truck broke down. Bo took you up to the house and soon felt something towards you, deciding that he wanted to keep you around a little longer.

Vincent Sincliar:
Vincent found you in the house of wax. Before he had even got the chance to think about killing you, you asked if he was the one responsible for the sculptures. He nodded, and watched as you gushed over how good they were and because no one had ever said anything like that to him before he found a certain liking to you.

Lester Sincliar:
Lester happened to find you broken down and asked of you needed help. When he told you about Bo's station he offered you a ride. As you headed to Ambrose, both of you got into talking and agreed to meet each other again.

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