Chapter 1

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,, Dawon wake your butt up!'' My brother yelled.
,, Shut up!'' I yelled back and stood up. I went to the bathroom to take a shower.
After i shower i wore a white crop top and a very short skirt and a dark makeup look.
,, Every boy will fall for me haha'' I said in my mind. ,, I'm coming!'' I said and went downstairs.
,, YAH! I stop wearing those clothes and be normal!'' My brother yelled.

,, Stop telling what to do" I said mad.
,, Eomma and Appa died so now it's my turn to control you'' He said.
,, STOP TALKING ABOUT THEM!'' I yelled. ,, Mianhe'' He said and gave me money for lunch.

I got my car keys and drove to school.
I unbuckled my seatbelt and saw every boy staring and smirking at me acept for the quiet kid Park Jimin.
saw my friends and went to them.
,, Hey dawon wanna play with? Truth or dare'' My bestfriend Ling Lingshi said.

,, Sure'' I said.
,, Ok dawon truth or dare'' Ling Lingshi asked.
,, Ah shishi i take dare ofcourse'' I said.
,, Ok try to make the quiet kid jimin to fall in love with you and after that break his heart'' She replied.
,, Easy'' I responded.

Time skip

Me and my bestfriend sat on the table talking about how the best way is to break boys hearts.
I just didn't listen and talked to me in my head.
,, He's kinda cute''
,, He has nice skin''
,, I think i have a crush on him. Yah stop it Dawon!''
I though those things in my mind. ,, Dawon? You're not paying attention right ?'' My bestie asked.
,, Ani i'm listening''  I lied.

I saw Jimin all alone and a little sad.
,, Yah girls look the quiet kid is all alone and sad'' My Bestie said and laughed evily.
I fake laughed and didn't know why.

I saw Jimin standing up and leaving the canteen.
,, I gotta go to the restroom'' I lied and stood up.
Shishi looked up and just nodded her head.

I walked out of the canteen.
I saw Jimin by the lockers so i walked over him but he didn't saw me.
I pushed him against the wall.
,, Shh don't be scared it's me Dawon'' I said smirking and looked at his lips.

,, Leave me alone'' Jimin scared tried to go away.
I pulled him back.
,, Let me kiss you'' I asked whispering.
,, Ani i know that you'll play me'' He said smart.

,, Ani i'm not'' I said and he didn't responded.
I couldn't help it just did it.
I grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him.

He tried pulling away but i didn't let go.
,, Damm his lips are soft'' I said in my mind.
Then Jimin pulled away.

,, Yah!'' He shouted.
Then i couldn't believe my eyes what he did.  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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