chapter 2

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I heard a little buzzing going on. At first, I thought it was all in my head. Like, I was going insane already. Apparently it was an alarm. I tried thinking why I would have an alarm in the first place and then I remembered. I had to set the clock so early because of the night watch. Let me explain the night watch. It's basically the name, a few people go out and walk around the house or something dumb... Sounds like so much fun, right? Sorry, I know that the sarcasm wasn't necessary but I ain't a morning person, especially when I have to wake up at 2:06 am. I slowly tried to pull myself off the bed but I ended up tripping. CRASH! Is what could be heard throughout the entire area. Whoopsies, I hope I didn't bother anyone. Still on the floor, I turned. Even though it was dark enough to the point where I could barely see my surroundings I could tell somebody opened the door. Michael had said something about doing the night watch during my first meeting. "M-Michael? I mean, Mr.?" I choked out a bit, the wooden floor I had fallen onto was both cold and dusty. The dust ended up getting in my lungs, making me gag a bit. "Wrong leader. What are you doing on the floor?"

"Oh it's just you, ..." I tiredly let my head hit the floor whilst slowly closing my eyes. I swear I'm not sleepy, I just like closing my eyes. "Umm, I'm on the floor... cos I fell? I don't know, I forgot already..."

You offered to do this. How are you going to be going in and out of here if you can't even get out of bed for a simple night watch? Come on, it isn't that bad." Vishnya sighed as he saw that I wasn't budging. I felt bad that I was making things rough but at the same time, who knew the floor could be a great place to lay on?

"Pfft, why did we even accept somebody new if they'll be as good as a rock? I honestly don't understand any of you but whatever." Okay, that voice didn't sound like Vishnya, but their words did irritate me. A lot. I stood up, yawning for a split second before shutting my mouth shut. Who does this person think he is? Memories of everyone's introduction came flashing back and I think I knew who it was. Yoshie, his skin was tanned similar to my skin and he had black hair. I recall him as the boy in red. Just like me he was one of those risk takers. He hadn't said much during the introduction to make himself seem bad or good, just normal to be honest. But now, he felt like a completely different person. I don't know, I might be overreacting or somethin' but I can't help but feel this way. "I'm better than a rock I'll have you know, and I'll prove it." I huffed out as I turned away.

"Mhmm, sure you will." I know it's to dark to see his face, but I swear he smirked! This only boiled me up more, which I think Vishnya could tell at this point.

"Hey, we're supposed to be going on night watch, not start a fight. Yoshie, don't provoke him and you," Vishnya pointed at me. "You won't be able to go outside with that kind of clothing. Yoshie will get some clothing for you, that way we can avoid getting the infection and stay warm. It gets cold during the early hours like these." Yoshie nodded as if he had heard those words a million times and went off. Vishnya still was near the doorway waiting for Yoshie's return but there was no sign of Michael. I decided to ask since I was curious. To shorten up the explanation, Michael had been pulling a heck ton of all-nighters just to help the group, which Vishnya does too but not as often and as long as Michael. I guess he really wanted to keep this group safe then. And guess what? He still wanted to help out with the night watch even though he hadn't slept! I find people like that very, well strange. Not in a bad way or anything! It's just I could never do something like that in my life, so it's strange to me when others do it all the time I guess. Vishnya and Yoshie forced Michael to bed from what I can tell, and basically locked him in his room so he could get some sleep? I'm not sure, Vishnya just said they had 'dealt with him'. Which doesn't sound good out of context. Just a few minutes of talking to Vishnya, Yoshie came back. He was carrying a pitch black ski jacket along with a patagonia down sweater. On top of the clothing were some rather thin red gloves that had no particular brand and a white surgical mask. Do they expect me to wear this? I wouldn't wear something like in a million years...

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