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Esmè didn't know what to do. She had took aria, she had took her baby back and had to the power that warren had taken from her when he took aria away. Esmè looked to her and smiled. She walked out in the car park as she saw charlee by the car. She looked to charlee and smiled "are you sure about this?" Charlee asked as Esmè looked to her and sighed "what else can I do char, you said to take back the power of it all, so I did. I am a McQueen and I need to think lie a McQueen even if it means doing what he did to me. Aria needs me, I never got to be a mum because of him" Esmè said as she placed aria into the car seat. She handed charlee the car keys and sighed "drive around, I need to get some things I'll call you" Esmè said as charlee got in the car and drove off

Esmè got to the McQueen house. She stood pacing some things. She was going to do what she had to so that she could help aria. She placed the bag on the side as she walked out of her bedroom only to come face to face with warren, she jumped out of her skin as she seem him "what the hell" she said as he looked to her and glared "where is she?" He asked "safe, away from you. You aren't going to find her" Esmè said. She went to walk off as he grabbed her and pinned her to the wall. She felt the breathe in her throat hitch as she looked to him "don't test me Esmè, you know how I am capable of" he said as she looked to him and smirked as she pushed him so he was against the wall "and you know what I'm capable of" Esmè said as she grabbed her bag and walked out of the house.


Esmè looked as the car pulled up as she got in. She placed the bag in the back off it and sighed as she looked to aria "mamma" aria said as Esmè smiled "mummy is here" Esmè said as Charlee stood from the car and smiled "are you sure about this, where are you going to go" charlee asked as Esmè looked to her and sighed "away from here, I need to do what is there for her and Its best you don't know, your going to have to be stuck here with warren. I will be back soon, don't worry" Esmè said as she hugged her sister. She saw warren as he was running towards the car as she locked the door and drove off as warren tried to run off but it was too late. She was gone


Warren looked to charlee and glared "you did this" he said as charlee rolled her eyes "I did nothing" "you helped her to my daughter" "her daughter what you did to her, Karma is sweet isn't it" charlee said as she went to walk off "you will pay for this" warren said. Warren was going to do what he could to get his daughter back

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