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Warning: This review will contain spoilers, and lots of them so if you have not read this book and wish to, I suggest quickly exiting this story.

Disclaimer: I own none of the plots, characters, environments or products mentioned in this review they belong solely to their respective owners and/ or holders and my only original input are the opinions expressed. These opinions do not ever apply to the writer(s) of said scrutinized work, and the statements said here only reflect on the work being described (colloquially this means "no hard fellins' brah"). I am here solely to express my feelings and emotions towards of these works to others and highly encourage making your own individual opinions of these stories. Take also into account I and these writers are (mostly) amateurs.

I also am either requested or ask for permission before reviewing these works.

Lastly, if there are any stories --short, long, boring, interesting, happy, sad-- that you wish for me to read and review message me and I will try to reply and do so! These stories do not have to be from Wattpad they can be from:,,,,, anywhere! 

Note: I do not read or review and works containing long and grotesque horror (thrillers and psychological are completely fine), any bloody kinks, bestiality, pedophilia, necrophilia or anything with tentacle rape. 

Review: The God CountryWhere stories live. Discover now