Episode 1: The Beginning

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There in the galaxy, a planet named Zephia which belongs to the other galaxy. That planet has gods and angel's who rule the world as one and if one person disobeyed their rules or their objectives they will become there slaves.

One person is missioned by a god and told him that he should go to the Earth and protect the girl named Kim Seo-Ahn and find a way to love her and if you do that within 7 months or less you will be rewarded. "Here accept my greatest gift to you" said by the god. "Wha... What.. i...is t....that" said by the man. "This is a power to protect yourself from the person who wants to kill or harm you, but remeber to use it for good and not to waste it" he replied.

"Oww okay" the man replied.
"In the Earth you should not be called Angel Dan but instead you should name yourself as Kim Dan." The god replied.

So Angel Dan or Kim Dan is arrived now at the planet Earth. He was surprised when he saw a lot of people walking around and other kids are playing in the streets. So in he's mind he was kind of a new born man in a new place and planet.

He started to find some place to stay on. After he found a place to live in and to stay to he just arranges his bag of clothes to the cabinet and take a rest a little bit. But before that he just changes all his clothes even his inside clothes. XDXDXD.

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Atfter he took his clothes off he just take a bath at the bathroom *obviously* and then just changes his clothes after. And then he just took some rest after a long day. Tommorow will be a new day to start my mission with someone.

Continuation will be on the next episode. Stay tune XD.....

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