Answer Me

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Nick was quiet during the group's breakfast and only Ellis seemed to notice. He decided that he was going to see what was wrong on their scavenge trip. The four of them continued to eat their food until everyone was done. The survivors grabbed all the stuff they needed before heading off to another day of searching. The ultimately decided to keep the same pairs as last time and take the same routes so no repetition of searching the same buildings would happen. The walk with Coach and Rochelle involved some chatting and light laughter. But with Nick and Ellis, it was quiet, too quiet. Ellis decided to break the silence between the two.

Ellis: "So, you were quiet during breakfast, anything on your mind?"

Nick stopped, turned to Ellis and sighed.

Nick: "Why do you care anyway? It's none of your business."

He started to walk away until Ellis stopped him by grabbing his arm.

Ellis: "Listen, there's no reason you should be a brat when I ask you a question, you answer me, got it?"

Nick rolled his eyes and scoffed at Ellis. Boy was that a big mistake. Ellis pushed Nick up against the nearest building and trapped him with his arms blocking each side. Nick turned his head away from Ellis' deep stare but that was a mistake. Ellis used his right hand to cup Nick's face and turned him to look him in the eyes.

Ellis: "You must be pretty damn crazy to act like that to me. Now I will only ask again, what is one your mind?"

Nick swallowed and released the breath he hadn't realized he was holding.

Nick: "I had a bad dream."

Ellis scoffed at that answer

Ellis: "That's all you're gonna give me? A bad dream? Really? I'm trying to help you here."

At this point, he had backed away from Nick and ran a hand through his hair.

Ellis: "Can't you be more descriptive? What was the dream about?"

Nick started to tear up

Nick: "Him."

I'd DIE For You (Nick  x Ellis)Where stories live. Discover now