"How you think Kai and Bella is going to react to the baby," Ari spoke.

I looked at her and Erica.

"What is you talking about?"

"Haze I saw when you rushed upstairs to your room and soon after Dave followed behind you and I'm pregnant so I know wassup."

"We'll talk about that later right now it's about Kaia."


I took the baked beans out of the oven and grabbed the foil and wrapped the pan.


The food is now done and Desmond prayed over the food I placed Kaia in her highchair Hazel walked over with her plate.

"She's eating by herself?"


Hazel placed the bib around Kaia neck so she won't mess up her shirt then Kaia dug in.

"Go sit down I got your plate."

Hazel nodded and walked away I then made my way over to the food to fix her a plate along with fixing myself a plate.

Once I was done fixing our plates I walked over to the table and sat our plates down then I made my way outside to grab Hazel a bottle of water and myself a soda out of the cooler.

After eating we all gathered around to sing happy birthday to Kaia. I held her in my arms the one on her cake was lit Hazel counted to three and we all started singing.


I bent down and helped Kaia blow out the candle everyone clapped which caused Kaia to clap.

"Babe put Bella in her chair so she can eat her smash cake."


I placed Kaia back in her highchair then Hazel came over with her smash cake she took a picture of the cake. Hazel took the one and the Minnie Mouse sticks off and Kaia dug right into the cake. I ate some cake with Kaia then she sat back and stopped eating I removed the cake then I grabbed some wipes and wiped her face off.

I then took Kaia out of her highchair and gave her sippy cup with juice and placed her on her feet. Kaia reached back up to me and I picked her up and she laid her head on my chest. Hazel walked over to me and touched Kaia cheek.

"She sleepy," Hazel asked.


"Well let's go ahead and let her open up her gifts with our help then you can put her down for her nap."


We all gathered everyone up and we all went over to the gift table I got Kaia sippy cup from her then I sat down next to her and grabbed the first gift and helping her with opening it. Hazel quickly walked away heading upstairs I nodded towards Ariel and she made her way upstairs to check on Hazel.

After opening up all of the gifts with Kaia I thanked everyone for coming out and telling them to make themselves to go plates and let the kids get the party favors. I made my way upstairs to Kaia room and laid her down in her crib I covered her up with her blanket then I bent down and kissed her forehead. Kaia let out a yawn and closed her eyes. I made my way back downstairs and looked around for Kairi.

"Ma where's Kairi," I asked when I walked into the kitchen.

"Living room sleep."

I nodded I walked into the living room seeing Kairi on the floor next to her dolls I picked her up and made my way upstairs to her room. Kairi and Kaia normally take a nap around 3 and since it's Kaia birthday they didn't take a nap.

***********Kaia birthday cake********

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***********Kaia birthday cake********

***********Kaia birthday cake********

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********** Kaia smash cake*******

*********Kaia birthday outfit*********

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*********Kaia birthday outfit*********

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