Juyeon rubbed his temples as he dragged Taesil with him. He didn't have time to chat. Time was of the essence. Taesil stopped as an thought came to mind.

"He's probably up on the roof." said Taesil in realization.

They hurried up the stairs seeing the elevator would take too long. As Taesil suspected, the door was barred off by something unusual. Taesil removed the blockade just as someone banged on the door. Juyeon opened the door just as Kevin came flying into his arms.

"Juyeon! Oh thank god!" Kevin said wearily. "I was walking in and suddenly I was being thrown onto the roof!"

"You didn't see who?" asked Juyeon as they walked down the stairs.

"No... Do you think it was Seohoon getting revenge!?" asked Kevin in a panic.

"I'm sure they would've caught him before he could step foot inside." said Juyeon as he checked the time. "What happened to your phone?"

"Taken. What time is it? Will we make it?" Kevin asked worriedly.

"Not unless you sprint." said Taesil with a shrug. "So, get sprinting."


Juyeon and Kevin sat together as they stared at the floor. Naturally they had points deducted for being late, but it wasn't that that made them depressed, it was the fact they made obvious mistakes.

"Do you think we'll get the boot...?" Kevin asked quietly.

"Definitely. There's no way they didn't catch them. They'll definitely think we took steps back. This is it. We're finished." said Juyeon in defeat.

"I'm sorry. It's all my fault. If I-" said Kevin but was silenced by Juyeon's hand.

"We aren't to blame here..." muttered Juyeon as he thought back to what Taesil said. "It's Sam. Taesil mentioned he's been stalking me."

"Really? I've never seen it. But that actually sounds pretty unnerving though..." mumbled Kevin as he thought.

Juyeon left his spot on the floor then had Sam meet him in the very room they sat in. Everything was already going downhill, so why not add in more while he was at it? Kevin looked at Juyeon with concern. First finding out Taesil's intentions, having sex with him next, freaking out about weird feelings after, learning Seohoon was behind his miserableness then, and now hearing Sam was stalking him. Nothing but stressful things have come Juyeon's way ever since they came to Ruse.

"Hey Ju, how long before Sam gets here?" he asked, rising from his spot.

"Not long. What's up?" Juyeon asked curiously.

Kevin hugged him from behind, making sure he could feel the comfort he was trying to give through it.

"Things have been really bad for you hasn't it? All these things going on with your ex friends and me and training with Ruse... I know this hug isn't enough, but maybe we can get together later tonight and have some relaxation together." said Kevin, nuzzling his face against Juyeon's neck. "How's that sounds, hm?"

"You're being overly affectionate. But I'll take you up on that offer." said Juyeon, placing his hands atop Kevin's. "Your hands are pretty soft today..."

Kevin opened his mouth to respond only to hear the door start to open. He quickly let go and moved far away just as Sam entered.

"Juyeon! Kevin." said Sam, wondering what Juyeon wanted to talk about.

"I need honesty here, and what I'm going to say has a lot of risk in it." said Juyeon, knowing accusing him could have dire consequences if he was wrong. "I know you've been stalking me?"

Sam's mouth fell agape. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Juyeon was seriously accusing him of stalking. How did he find out? Was it the missing towels? Missing half consumed bottles of water? Missing clothes? He regained his composure then gave him an annoyed look.

"I'm offended. How could you think so little of me?" Sam asked with a hurt look.

"I've had a feeling someone's been following me around and I still remember that picture Taesil showed me." said Juyeon, trying to see if he'd cave.

"Taesil? Didn't he have ill intentions towards you? Do you really trust him?" Sam countered.

"I can't trust anyone at this point. So why not be skeptical of everyone around me?" reasoned Juyeon.

"So you don't trust Kevin either?" Sam asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No. No I don't." said Juyeon with a stern glare. "So if you want me to trust you, I need honesty."

Kevin knew Juyeon was lying just to get Sam to confess, but it still hurt. He silently listened as they bickered back and forth. He pursed his lips before taking out his phone. They needed reinforcements.

Some time passed and the door had opened, revealing Taesil. The arguing pair looked, wondering what he was doing.

"Ah, so you actually had the balls to confront Sam. I wouldn't, considering he could have a weapon on him." said Taesil with a look of admiration.

"You've been going around telling people that I stalk him?" Sam said angrily.

"Oh please, literally every trainee knows. But somehow those two don't." said Taesil, glancing at Kevin. "Glad to see you're still alive. Kinda."

Kevin frowned heavily as Taesil left before coming back with two others.

"You know Sam, right?" he asked, receiving nods. "You've seen him hanging around Juyeon and his things nearly always, right?"

They nodded, having given Sam disgusted looks the entire time. Sam frowned, wondering just how far they were going to take things.

"Sam, just come clean and all of this will be over. And just, you know... stop stalking him." said Taesil with a shrug.

"But I'm not! Even if I was, do you have any proof?" fussed Sam, not giving in.

Taesil hummed as he started going through his gallery of photos. He turned his phone for everyone to see, swiping left and revealing more incriminating photos.

"Oh, I have a video too. Was walking home pretty late and man was it interesting seeing Sam follow you to the bus stop and then getting on said bus!" said Taesil with a chuckle. "And you can't argue that you take that bus home. We all know you don't."

"Fine. I do follow him sometimes and took a few things, but that's it! I'm not stalking him." said Sam, seeing he had no choice but to admit to some of it.

"Well I'd very much appreciate it if you stopped completely, starting from this very moment. I'm saying this nicely now, but if I catch you, it's not ending well for you." threatened Juyeon before picking up his bag. "And no thanks to you for locking Kevin up on the roof, causing us to be late and be so disorganized that we made obvious mistakes."

Kevin silently followed after Juyeon who had left the room. He looked behind them as no one had emerged from the room yet. It was probably better that way.


Kevin gently stroked Juyeon's hair as they occupied Juyeon's bed. He fed him another grape before Juyeon sat up.

"Kevin, thank you. For everything. Without you I... I don't think I'd have gotten as far as I have." said Juyeon, thinking of all the times Kevin had been by his side when things got tough. "You're the reason why I'm still able to stand right now."

"It's not me. You're a strong guy, Ju. I'm just... moral support." said Kevin with a chuckle.

"No, you're more than that. You really are irreplaceable to me and I need you to know that." said Juyeon in a low voice, holding Kevin's hands.

Kevin gave him a warm smile, causing a flutter in his stomach. Kevin had him lie down again and started stroking his hair again. The fluttering never went away at all that night.

It's Not Me, It's We | JuKev✅Where stories live. Discover now