Chapter one

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The Bad Beginning
Meeting the Baudelaires <><><><><><><><><><><><>

Luna woke up tiredly like she did everyday, and got out of her dirty bed, her black hair messy and her clothes creased but she didn't mind, she was use to it.

Then her bedroom door swung open hutting the wall hard making her jump, standing in the door way was Count Olaf, her father "why are you still in bed, you were ment to clean up this house before the money arrives" he said making Luna sigh.

"Yes father" she said as he walked off, Luna walked out of her room and went downstairs, she grabbed a duster and dusted everything but she knew nothing could ever make this house clean.

Luna then grabbed a cloth and began cleaning cabinets untill she heard the door bell, Count Olaf had always told her to never answer it, only he could answer the door, Luna just carried on cleaning untill Count Olaf answered it.

The man came down stairs in a weird way and stopped at the door "hello. No, hello hello hello" he said, Luna found this very strange, she knew he liked entrances but to her this seemed tame to what he usually does, it involves a dance and sing song from his theatre troop.

Count Olaf opened the door and placed his hands behind his back "hello, hello, hello, children"

Luna looked at the door but couldn't see anyone due to Count Olaf blocking the door "I am Count Olaf, the renowned actor and your new guardian. You're welcome"

Luna rolled her eyes, renowned actor is not how she would describe him, more of a creepy obsessive dirty man, is how she would put it "thank you" Luna's head shot up a little at the new voice she heard "you're welcome, please, come in, and mind you wipe your feet on the mat so you don't track in any mud, and don't forget your enormous fortune!" He did a little happy dance at the end as he stepped to a side to let the children come in.

Now Luna could finally see the strangers, she looked at them and analysed them. Looking at the boy she knew by his smart clothes he was very intellectual and a book enthusiast, due to his glasses.

Luna looked at the girl, who was holding a baby and couldn't quite make her out, this was strange to Luna as she could always know something about a person by looking at them but with this girl, she couldn't.

"Welcome to my humble home, orphans. And a man with a hat on"


"Actually, I'm about to be rather wealthy. So if you'll excuse me" Olaf said trying to send the man out.

"No, we spoke on the phone, I'm from Mulctuary Money Management" the man said handing Olaf a card "hmmm. Money sounds familiar, but-"

"The bank. I'm from the bank" the Poe said with a smile "ah yes, the bank, well, welcome to my humble home" Poe then started coughing, without placing his hand over his mouth, which Luna found very rude.

"It does seem to need a little work" Poe said through coughs, Olaf just looked at the man "Well, I realize it's not as fancy as the Baudelaire mansion essentially with her not cleaning hard enough" he then pointed his head in the direction of Luna, who nobody realized was in the room, the three children looked at Luna, she just carried on cleaning "but perhaps, children, with a bit of your money, we'll be able to fix it up, make it nicer"

"But Count Olaf, the Baudelaire fortune is not to be used for such matters, The Baudelaire will is very specific as to how the children are to be raised in case of an unfortunate event" Poe explained, Luna stopped cleaning for a second, she thought back to the fire, that engulfed The Baudelaire Mansion, she shook the thought away and continued "ah, yes, the fire"

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