Chapter 2 - Shinji's Room

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A/N: This chapter is from Hikari's P.O.V..


Since the hostels had closed, all six of them had been staying at Shinji's house for the vacations. His house was near the collage, and thus, convenient for all of them.

By the time Hikari reached there, all the rooms had been preoccupied. Luckily for her, her best friend, Haruka, agreed on sharing her room with Hikari.

"Phew! I can't thank you enough."

"No need to worry!"

"Oh, you don't know how worried I was that I would have to share a room with one of the boys!"

Haruka giggled.


Too tired to do anything, all of them stayed in their rooms until dinner, which was prepared by Kasumi.

After having a good fill, some of them talked with each-other.

Hikari was bored; Haruka had gone out to take her night stroll. She walked out of the room, in hope of finding someone to talk. Kasumi and Satoshi were having a moment, and Shuu was probably out to take a walk.

The blunette knocked on Shinji's room's door a little hesitantly, and waited for about a minute before doing the same again. "Shinji, it's me, Hikari. Shinji, are you inside?"

On receiving no reply, she opened the door to find that he was not there.

It was weird to be in his room - interesting, but weird. Was it right, though?

She knew well that he was not one to let people enter his comfort zone easily. How he had become a part of the group, was a mystery.

She entered nevertheless, shutting the door behind her.

There was a novel kept on his study table along with some photos. They were of a young, purple-haired boy and an old couple.

But who were they? And why would Shinji have their photos?

Then it dawned upon her. The boy was none other than Shinji and the other two were his... grandparents?

Oh, but he could not be Shinji; he never smiled! And if the other two were his grandparents, why didn't he ever mention them?

She carefully observed that the photos were torn at the borders and looked old.

Wait! No, it couldn't be. Were they dead? Was this ancient house theirs? Was this the cause for Shinji's not-so-social behaviour? Several questions started coming to her head.

"What are you doing here?"

She snapped out of her daze to see Shinji staring at her. "I-I can explain."

"Get out of my room!"

"Sorry!" And she ran back to her room.


A/N: Chapters in this story will be short.

Hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading! Comments are appreciated!

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