Epouguoe P.2

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Y/n continued to speak to Loire "As I passed threw the light I was about to call out to my parents when I realized where I was. I was in the dining room, well what was left of it. I stared in shock seeing that the walls were covered in blood, along of what I saw where bloody birthday Balloons, strainers, and a sign saying "Happy Birthday Y/n in my favorite colors decorated in glitter and well now in....blood. I then stood in horror seeing the my cake in ruins, and dead bodies of my friends and families. Their eyes were carved out, and arms and heads were torn off their bodies, with exception of few which look as if they exploded. I started to shed tears, but what really made me breakdown was when I looked in front of me, on the floor was..........my parents dead infront of me. They were killed differently from the rest instead or exploding, or having eyes carved out with heads and arms torn off, they were stabbed to death. As I was crying I was questioning how this could happen when I felt what was in my hand, a kitchen knife and then I looked down at my clothes, which were covered in blood, and realized I did this......"no.....No...........NO IT CANT BE I COULD NOT HAVE DONE THIS" I screamed with agony, as I fell to the floor sobbing but I knew deep down that I had down this, I was the monster, no that misty thing was! Realizing this I screamed for that misty thing to show itself, and low and behold it did.
"Why did YOU do this?!" Young 8 year old Y/n screamed.
"Do what?" It asked with a grin.
"Why did you kill my family, and my friends?!" Y/n shouted.
"I didn't do this.....you did" It said. "Any-who it's your birthday isn't it, why don't you have some cake? We have much to discuss, we are friends after all" It said while walking to the ruined cake and picked a bloody paper plate, took a piece of cake, slapped it on the plate, and proceeded to walk back to me. It then handed the cake to me, to which I slapped out of its hands, and the plate landed on the floor.
"I don't wanna be friends with you anymore!" Y/n shouted. It than grabbed Y/n by the neck and lifted you in the air. The misty-thing then laughed saying:
"You think you can just make me disappear.....heh your funny I'm not just one of your imaginary friends that you can summon, and be under your control when you want them to leave. No I'm far more than that.....you won't understand this now but you will in the future. I'm apart of you, I always will be when no one else will, and no matter what you try to do to separate you from me will never work because you won't be able to function without me, so yes we will continue to be friends wether you like it or not, and besides it's your fault that you let me in and take control foolish child." It's grip around me tightened to where I could barley breath, but I wasn't going to give up easily. I started to struggle as it kept laughing at my attempts and then I noticed a light coming from my hands and pressed it against the misty thing and it disappeared. I dropped to the floor and felt relief but then I could hear sirens belonging to policemen showing up my house. Knowing that I would most likely be put away in far away place, I decided to pick up the knife and run past all my family and friends, out the backdoor to a nearby forest. Y/n kept running and running, taking twists and turns, while crying from the lost of friends and family, also knowing that Y/n's life will never be the same."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2020 ⏰

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