Chapter 1

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April 3rd, 2020.

• Third POV •

A normal, sunny day in Gorge Castle. 

Citizens casually living their life in the beautiful morning in Land of Dawn. Some of them worked at the market, some restaurants with fresh pastries and soup simmer in the pot, fountain in the middle of the square with beautiful Violet flowers. Some flower shops have their fresh Violet flower trimmed.

Not so long after the bright, cheerful morning, the Royal gate of Baroque Kingdom cracked opened. Who would be out of the castle in this early? As the royal gate opens widely, it reveals 6 soldiers with their mighty horses stepping out to the square. Alongside the soldiers, one Royal Announcer tails behind with some black flags.

The soldiers directed all of the citizens in the Gorge Kingdom to the town square of the castle.

The Royal Announcer stopped his track, climb down from the horse, and step into a podium. That way, all the citizens could see him clearly while reading his announcement.

"Attention Citizen!" The Royal Announcer stands in the middle of the square. The Royal Announcer pulled his sheet of paper through his pocket, and start to inhale deep.

"It is unfortunate as of April 2nd, 2020 at 10:42 pm, the mighty leader King Arthur has passed away"

The town citizen starts to whisper and murmur about the news. They did not expect King Arthur to die this soon. Despite his age, he was healthy and sufficient.

"Our King Arthur Baroque has passed away due to poisoning. We are actively looking for the criminal behind as this behavior is not acceptable in any Gorge Kingdom."

"Who will rule our city?" One of the citizens shouts on top of the lungs.

"As of tomorrow, the own Lancelot Baroque will return back to the future in hand partner, Odette Regina. Aside from that, the noble mage family of Paxley has forfeited their proposal for Lady Violet. Both Baroque siblings will temporarily be on the throne of the kingdom until the ceremony of Mr. Lancelot Baroque on April 29th, 2020 for his throne. We truly express our condolence to the Baroque royalty and its family. May the King Arthur be with us."

"May the King Arthur be with us," the rest of the Gorge Castle grieve.

"We shall hold a memorial for King Arthur on April 6th, 2020 in the Main Entrance of Baroque Kingdom. Princess Guinevere Baroque would invite every citizen to attend this service as the gratitude of your loyalty," Castle Announcer rolled back the paper and put it in the pocket. He started to climb back to his horse and start head to the Baroque Kingdom with the other soldiers.

It becomes the main topic of the village. Every citizen was desperate from the commotion. Especially when it comes to the city. One fine traveler sits in one of the restaurants' bar to enjoy his lunch and beer, up until he overheard the conversation from the seats behind him.

"I could not imagine how the Baroque family feeling at this moment especially with them losing both of their parents at such young ages," Some citizens whispers to others.

"I could not imagine how Princess Guinevere felt as she is the only one who is always in the kingdom! She was only 21 at this moment with that kind of pressure."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2020 ⏰

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