My Personal Devil

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Tar looked at the unfamiliar number on his phone and wondered if he should answer the phone.

He was no longer good with crowds or people. He no longer had any friends besides his brother.

So no one had any reason to call him but because he was a little bored with his own company he answered the call.

" Sawatdee Karp"

" You have to help me break up Tharn relationship"

The caller didn't need to say his name, just the sound of his voice was enough to send shivers down his back.

This person has been in his nightmares for a year.


" I have a video of your wild night in that hotel, do you want him to see? Do you want your parents to see?"

"No, please dont, haven't you taken enough from me? You have destroyed my life".

" I will give you the disk with the only copy and never bother you again if you break up Tharn new relationship".

After thinking about this for a few seconds Tar said

" I want your promise Lhong, before I help you I need your promise you will leave me alone after this and give me all the copies you have of that video".

" I promise Tar, ok let's go over the plan of what you should do".

" No! I don't want your help, I can do it myself. I will call you when I come up with a plan".


Lhong POV

Lhong smiled to himself, soon he will have Tharn to himself again. No more annoying Type, Lhong could not believe that Tharn moved in with that over grown buffalo.

How did that relationship fly under his notice? Not like it really mattered now because he was going to break them up.


After hanging up the phone Tar was filled with such rage. How dare that snake come back into his life? He was barely functioning and here comes his personal devil back into his life.

Looking at his phone he took a deep breath and dialed his Mae number, it was time to take his life back.

" Sawatdee Tar"

" Mae I want to go to France to study at the end of the school year. Yes I know your terms, and I agree. Can you set up a meeting for next week? And Mae can you please make it a woman"? Said Tar

" My baby am so happy you decided to do this, I know your still depressed over your break up with that boy. But I think Therapy will help. Don't forget your also required to also go out with friends".

"We will talk more later when I get home".

" Bye Mae"

What friends? Tar thinks to life stopped after that attack.

"Tar" called Tum from down stairs

Hearing his brother voice filled Tar with such pain and love. His brother who he could never tell the truth but who loved him nevertheless.

Opening his room door he said

" Am coming P".

After going down stairs he joined Tum in the kitchen. Looking at his brother attempting to cook mad him smile, the kitchen looked like a disaster area.

"P'Tum stop" Tar said unable to hold in his laughter.

Tum turned to look at his brother who was laughing he had not seen that smile in almost a year. It made him happy to have brought that expression to his face even as it was at his expense.

" Let me help you clean up this mess, then I will cook something".

" But I wanted to make my favorite brother dinner".

" Am your only brother and you burn water P'Tum".

After cleaning up the kitchen Tar made a simple dinner, as they were sitting down eating he bought up the subject that he knew would break his brothers heart.

"P'Tum am moving to France after this school year. I talked to Mae and she agreeded".

Tum immediately got angry and said

" Its that buffalo Tharn fault, I hate him. If he didn't break up with you suddenly for no reason you would not have gotten depressed".

"P'Tum I told you before I broke up with him, not him with me. My depression has nothing to do with with him or going to France to study. You know I want to be a French chef ".

"Please believe in me and trust in me P. I will need all your support to survive this".

"Also am going to start seeing a Therapist soon, I asked Mae to find me one"

Tum was do excited to hear that he grabbed Tar in a hug, forgetting that he no longer liked being touch.

Letting him go after he felt his brother froze he said a quick "sorry" and released him.

"It's ok P' I was just surprised".

After both boys clean up Tar headed back to his room. As Tum watched him  walked up the stairs he things to himself, I will find out the truth of what Tharn did to you if it's the last thing I do on this earth.

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