Chapter 2

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My alarm goes of at 7:30 cause our school dont take in till 9 so I have an hour to get read yay(note sarcasm)
Anyways i get up and get ready as always it dont take me long only like 30 min i get up go down stairs and everyone is up and eating already.

"Looks who's Finally up" Dylan said while chuckling

"Yeah, yeah" I said rolling my eyes at them

"So are we all driving together today or separately" I ask while fixing me some food

"Umm its the first day so why not all just go together aint like we got sports after school now well at the moment" ash said while looking at her phone

Everyone agrees and we will be taking my car

By 8:30 we was read to go we went to get are times tables we checked to see how many classes we have together and lucky us we got every class together but 5th period

1st English-Ms.Heart(30min class nothing important)
2nd Spanish-Mr.Flinch
3rd Gym- Coach Ross
4th Art- Ms.West
5th Free period/TA-Ms.Heart
6th Break
7th English-Ms.Heart

"Well looks like we have all the same classes but 5th imma TA for Ms.Heart sounds like a new teacher" i said

"We all are TA's i have Ms.West" ash said rolling her eyes she hates art

"I have MR.FLINCH WTF HELL NO I REFUSE" Dylan yelled as we all laugh nobody likes him he is way to strict

"I have Ms.Heart also" kate said standing next to me i had my hand around her im not dating her she is dating Dylan but he dont mind cause me and her been best friends for a long time and she is straight asf.

"I have Mr.ross also got damn" brad said shaking his head

"Why do yall get to have someone and im the one alone thats not right" ash said


The bell rung time for class yay (not sarcasm) i said to myself rolling my eyes.

First off English...

When I turn around somebody runs into me and fall im quick to help them up she is really small compared to me im 6'4 she looks about 5'3

She looks up at me and blushed a dark red and looks away.

She mumbled and stutter a little s-sorry and started walking again but turns around and asked if i knew where 340A was i said yeah so me and the gang walked her to the class and she said thanks and went to the teacher desk and sat down..

Me and the gang sat in the back as always we dont like sitting in the front.

Every one was already in here so we waited till the bell to get started.

Once the bell rung she got up and looked around the class and once she saw me she turnt red again and cleared her throat and began to speak.

"Hello everyone my name is Mia Heart but Ms.Heart to you and today we are just going to go around and introduce ourselves okay" she said and everyone Nodded their heads.

"We will start with you over there" she said pointing to ash

Ash stood up and people gave her their l undivided attention did i mention that we was also popular..

"Hey everyone im ash and im 18 I play sports and i have 4 best friends Dylan,Kate,Brad & Max" ash said

Dylan,Brad and Kate went now its my turn..

When i stood up every body was looking at me including Ms.Heart she looked really interested in what I have to say

"Hey everyone im Max Dylan,Brad,Kate and Ash are my main friends and all that umm i play soccer as well and if you cant tell im a lesbian"

When i said that last part i looked at Ms.Heart and smirked she looked away blushing hard

After everyone went the bell ringed and everyone left i told the gang to go ahead imma talk to the teacher for a minute they didnt think nothing of it and left

I went up to her desk im she has a free period(each teacher has two free periods)

"Hey teach" i said walking up to her

She looked up and blushed again "H-hey" she stuttered out I smiled at that

"I'm just letting you know that I'm i your 5th period TA along with one of my friends and we are all back in your 7th period class" i told her while looking around than back at her

She when she realized that i had caught her staring at me she quickly looked away opening and closing her mouth trying to form a sentence

"Y-you and your f-friend is my TA" she asked stuttered

"Yes ma'am" i said smiling down at her

"O-oh ok um thats fine i do need help around here anyways" she said

"Well i guess ill see you around teach" i said winking at her

She blushed and looked down and mumbled a small goodbye

How was this chapter im working on making the chapters longer and imma start getting into the getting together part soon

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Till next time which will be soon

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