"Students will raise their hands when they speak in my class." Umbridge turned on her heel. "It is the view of the Ministry that a theoretical knowledge will be sufficient to get you through your examinations. Which after all, is what school is all about.

"And how's theory supposed to prepare us for what's out there?"

"There is nothing out there, dear. Who do you imagine wants to attack children like yourself?"

Harry looked like he was about to blow a gasket. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe Lord Voldemort." That made the classroom go completely silent.

Umbridge looked around the classroom, her always painted smile deterring. "Now let me make this quite plain. You have been told that a certain dark wizard is at large once again. This is a lie."

"It's not a lie! I saw him. I fought him." Harry blurted again.

Umbridge turned on her heel. "Detention! Mr. Potter."

Esme was starting to get nervous for Harry. Wanting him to shut up so that he wouldn't get into more trouble then he was now. "So Cedric Diggory dropped dead on his own accord!" Harry practically yelled.

"Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident."

"It was murder! Voldemort killed him!"

"ENOUGH! See me later, Mr. Potter. My office." She said as she plastered that horrible smile on her face with a small giggle.

After the whole DADA incident, the day went by normally. Hermione and Esme continued to get to know each other, the bushy haired girl asking what America was like and saying that one day she'd like to visit. With Esme saying that it was totally worth it. America really did have beautiful scenery in some parts of the country.

Between hanging out with the twins, selling some of their genius inventions, as Fred called them, to unsuspecting children, Esme was getting used to Hogwarts and it's bristling halls.

"Would you look at who it is!" An arm slung around her shoulder. "My ever so dearest sister."

Esme hadn't talked to her brother it what felt like forever. Even though it was only a short time since the first day feast.

"Axel, don't you have somewhere better to be?" Esme clutched her book to her chest acting all nonchalantly. Even though she was glad he'd stopped to talk to her.

"What? Can't I talk to my sister? I've missed you Esie." Axel began walking with her towards the dining hall. "I see you've made quite a many of friends."

"I have, thank you for noticing. What about you? Got any girls swooning over you?" Esme teased.

Axel scoffed. "Of course I do. Nobody can resist these charming good looks." He laughed. "And it also helps that I have an accent, that makes them go crazy."

Esme laughed. "Oh I'm sure that's exactly the reason why."

"It is! I swear they hound me like hyenas looking at food." Axel exclaimed.

"Now you're just exaggerating, Axe." Esme giggled.

The two had reached the dining hall, opening the large doors, the two parted ways with a "goodbye" and "I'll talk to you soon", Esme made her way over to where the trio and the twins sat with Lee.

"Did I miss anything?" Esme said sitting down whilst grabbing food from the dishes in the middle of the table.

"Absolutely nothing important, Queenie, unless you think quidditch is a very serious topic." George said between a mouthful of food.

"I do thank you very much. Axel used to be on the Pukwudgie team back at Ilvermorny, and I enjoyed going an watching."

"Axel played aye? What position? Cause the Hufflepuff team is in need of a new seeker, unfortunately." Lee began to start, finishing with a quiet and sad look.

"Axel actually played seeker, weirdly enough." Esme was a bit surprised how that would work in favor for her brother.

To Axel, quidditch was life. Nothing else mattered if he didn't have the sport. He'd always beg Esme to go out and play with her when he'd have a chance or get tickets to watch the game whenever a match was being played near them.

An not so surprisingly, he was one of the best players at Ilvermorny. Getting his house the Quidditch Cup three years in a row.

"I'm sure we'll be seeing him this year on the field then." Fred said from beside her.

"Oh I'm sure of it. The guy can't go on in life if he isn't playing that game." Esme said picking up at piece of broccoli.

"Sounds like we go some competition this year, Freddie." George smirked.

"That we do. George, That we do." Fred have his brother a twin to his smirk.

"What about you, Queenie? You play any?" Lee questioned.

"I've only played a little. Mostly just messing around in the yard with Axel. Nothing in the actual game sense."

"Are you any good?" George questioned.

Esme didn't think she was anything worth bragging about. Sure she could play the game fine, but if she were to actually play in a game she knew she wouldn't be much help. "I know how to play, but i don't think you'd want me on your team."

"Well that's absolute bogus, I'd like to see what skills you got, Croft." Fred said nudging her arm. "Why don't you come to tryouts? They're in a few weeks."

"Maybe Fred, I'll think about it when the time gets closer." Esme smiled at him.

She didn't know if she had the skills to compete in an actual game, but this was a new school. Esme needed a new change in her life that wasn't just schoolwork, and maybe just going to tryouts would be the first step.


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lol so i'm back. an i'm sorry to all the readers that had to wait so long for an update. i had a difficult year and i'm sure lots of other people did too. but i never imagined this book to get this many reads. so i decided to revamp the book with a new style, i revised some of the chapters and i wrote this chapter. i'm going to try and update as soon as i can but i now have college coming up so i'm not sure when i will be able to. thank you again for all your support!

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