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This is a series so this is a continuation of chapter one.

It has been great. After Hans gave me a night I couldn't forget he asked me out to which I, of course accepted. After a few months I moved in with him into his huge house. Got anything I wanted and got to quit my bartender job. I still kept my singing job. Though I didn't need to work at all considering Hans had all the money in the world but I still loved it. Singing and dancing is something I have always loved so why not. Hans would sometimes come and watch me when he could and my dancing always riled him up. I would be singing but all I would think about is how hard I'm getting it when he gets me back home and lord he does not disappoint. It was a Monday so I wasn't working. I only work Thursday to Saturday night so I was bored sitting in this house. I read a few chapters of a book I was working through and than plopped down on the couch after throwing a record on the player. I walked around swaying my hips to the beat. A soft smile danced on my face.

I was bored but music always lifted my spirits. I left on the music as I decided a glass of red wine and a bath would be nice. I layed in the warm bath. Bubbles covered my nude body and a glass of wine had my head feeling light. I felt calm. My body was quickly snapped into excited when I heard the front door open and the loud stomp of those military boots. I quickly sat up the bubbles slipping off my chest. I placed down my wine glass and stepped out of the tub. I drained it as I wrapped a towel around my wet body which was quickly becoming cold. I took the tie out of my hair and let my hair fall across my shoulders and back. I heard the record stop and than softer steps coming up the stairs, meaning he had taken of his clunky boots. I stepped out of the bathroom and into our room not without grabbing my half empty glass. I sat down in an arm chair. My legs draped over one arm as I took another sip from my glass when the door to the room opened. Hans walked in, his hat and jacket already off leaving him in his distinct uniform. He looked at me and my almost completely nude body

"Well hello dear"

He said and I smiled giving a wave with fluttering fingers. He walked past me leaving a kiss on my forehead before he stepped over to the arm chair across from me and sat down. He looked at me and smiled.

"Now as much as I would love to ravish your body till I break it, we have plans tonight"

I pouted

"That doesn't mean you can't do that when we get home"

He smirked at me and clicked his tounge

"Such a naughty girl, what shall I do with you?"

He looked at me as if he was interrogating me. I felt his eyes drag across my body. A dark and dangerous spark that made me feel like his little, helpless prey. I knew it was a rhetorical question. He had already planned out every single move and touch he would give me before he even said hello to me. He was strategic. Enough so that the words he would speak could get me begging him to take me before we would even get home. Just a few sentences placed in normal conversation with impeccable timing. I stood up a walked over to my dresser, dropping my towel while my back was to him. I knew it affected him but he would never ever give a hint that it did. It was as if he barley noticed. The only way I could know was that flash in his eyes that is so easy to miss unless you are looking for it.

I opened my dresser already knowing what I was wearing. I pulled out a navy blue dress. It was tight and long sleeved, I hadn't wore this out because of how incredibly short it was but it would be perfect. I loved to tease him as it was quite a hard thing to do. He watched every movement as I pulled on the dress, did my hair and makeup and finally put on some stiletto heels. I loved wearing them because they made me feel a little taller. Though Hans still had a few inches on me which made me feel that much smaller and made him feel that much bigger. It always made a knot tighten in my stomach. I loved when he would tower over me. It could make me submit without a second thought. The drive to the restaurant was silent but I could feel his gaze on me every few seconds, continuing to check out how my every curve fit into the dress perfectly. When we got to the restaurant he parked directly infront before getting out and walking around to open my door. I fliped my legs out the door before standing, fixing my dress. He shut the passenger side door behind me and placed his hand on my lower back as to lead me. It was a small gesture but is showed that no matter where we were he was always in control.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2023 ⏰

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