First day in apartment and new pets

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Emma's POV
I got up and changed out of my pj's.

Emma's POVI got up and changed out of my pj's

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∆∆SkirtI went to the kitchen and made breakfast

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I went to the kitchen and made breakfast.

∆∆breakfast I put breakfast on the table and The baby kicked

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∆∆breakfast I put breakfast on the table and The baby kicked. " Hi baby," I said. I sat down and ate breakfast. Xander came down and said," Hey Emma." "Hey Xander," I said. "Emma you know how we talked about getting a pet," Xander said. " Ya you said cat and a dog," I said. " I know so they is a pet adoption fair in the park would you want to go," Xander said. "Ya of course," I said. *Time skip*
Nobody's POV
Emma and Xander got in cab. "Hey we should get a puppy and a kitten," Xander said. "That is a good idea," Emma said. *Time skip* Emma and Xander got out of the cab and first looked at the puppies. "I are you looking to adopt a puppy," The lady in charge said. "Yes we are looking for one that is good with cats and Babies," Emma said. " Follow me," the woman said. We got to the puppy area and saw the cutest little puppy ever. "We will take this one," Xander said pointing too the puppy. "That is midnight we found her with a kitten that we named Ash," The women said," If you would like I can go get Ash because she is in a special area." " Yes and why is she in a special area," Emma said. "Because she doesn't like other cat's and the only dog she likes is midnight," the woman said. The woman left and came back with this adorable little kitten. "This is Ash," The women said. "Aww," Xander and Emma said at the same time. "You can adopt them and take them home," the woman said. *time skip* They filled out the paper work and got all the stuff they need from a store and when home.


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⏰ Última atualização: Jan 10, 2021 ⏰

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