As the other got closer, Toby had the urge to cause a little trouble. He simply couldn't help himself but to trip the other to the ground for fun. Waiting to see what he would do as he began to chuckle. The weather didn't hold out for very long as it began to rain. It wasn't heavy, but by the looks of the sky covering with heavier gray cloud. It was definitely going to get heavier. When ever it was going to begin to pour wasn't too clear. But it would be sooner rather than later by the looks of it. Watching the other through yellow/orange tinted goggles, a smile formed under the mouth mask he wore. Both hatchets in his grip.

///Tim looked up at the sky, He could smell the oncoming rain. He didn't particularly like rain, or dislike rain. His head was completely blank like he was in some sort of meditative state and didn't care about anything or anyone, he just was himself like he was the only person in the world. It wasn't like he felt anything, the only emotion he did have was nothingness, and he felt like he didn't really exist at all. When he thought this, He started to question himself and conjure irrational thoughts. He wondered if he really did exist, or I'd he didn't. He thought about the meaning of the word exist, and concluded that without another person there to acknowledge him, He doesn't really exist. If someone doesn't think about him, or know he's alive, then he's not real. That made him a little sad, and he took a long drag of his cigarette while walking. When he exhaled, it was slow, and the smoke swirled around his head. He watched it with his dark, dull, sunken eyes and felt a feeling of complete desolation and darkness. His whole life had been darkness, and the only light he found had gotten extinguished because of him.

///It seemed the person Toby had tripped didn't take being tripped very well. As push came to shove, Toby ended up tackling the other to the ground and losing himself in punching and hacking at the other. Till they didn't move or fight back any longer. Toby slowly came to realizing what he had done and looked around. Taking the dead other's arms and dragging them so he could hide the body. Though he came to a pause once he had taken care of the body. Turning around to see another person. He looked around to make sure he'd hidden the evidence. Though it seemed he hadn't gotten rid of all of the evidence. There was blood on the hatchets he had and blood stains on his clothes. When Tim got closer, Toby really didn't have the time to hide. Twitching, his neck cracking in response. He couldn't help it. It was part of his condition.

Smiling once again, his moods having changed again. Watching him through yellowish orange tinted goggles. He was half wondering if he would see him at all. He kind of looked like he was in a world of his own. Which made Toby wonder if he could play a trick on him easily. So, he began to approach him. Keeping a safe distance for a while. Till he decided to move in on Tim and tripped him over. Toby was obviously bored and had nothing better to do.

///Tim suddenly tripped and fell on the ground in front of him. His hands and elbows caught him, and prevented his face from hitting the dirt. He had been in a state of enchantment before, but that jolt sent his body into a state of alertness. Over the years, and the struggling, he had been trained to pick these things up, and leaving that skill behind never fully happened. He felt the others presence and rolled over to face him, brushing the dirt from his scratched hands. Tim was bleeding, but it wasn't anything bad. A mere scratch, compared to the slashes and bone crushing he had been through, seemed so insignificant that it didn't even register on his mind. He looked at the curious boy that had decided to purposely trip him, and instantly caught onto him. He noted the strange taste in clothing that seemed all too familiar, the blood splatters, and the goggles. Tim could tell a person's true strength at a glance, and his was pretty high. He also noticed the constant twitch that appeared on different spots on his body. At first, He didn't say anything at all. He simply stared at this strange, new other life form, unmoving. He learned never to make the first move, because the first move is the first mistake.

"I'd Probably Still Adore You With Your Hands Around My Neck."Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora