Part 2: Spin The Bottle

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We sat in the same order pretty much, except we sat in a rectangle and I moved in between Iida and Uraraka. After we were all seated, Yaoyorozu came out of another room with plenty of covered dishes. She laid each one in front of each of us before telling us to open the plates and to dig in. We had steak, mashed potatoes, and asparagus with a side of mixed fruit and some type of fruit juice to drink with it. She said she had no clue what it was but that it smelled and tasted delicious. After just a few minutes, people were already telling stories and joking and laughing, as was I. It was fun to be with the class once again. I hadn't realized how much I had missed them all. Each one I missed individually and I wouldn't wanna be anywhere else in this moment. The dinner was amazing, as expected, and we all thanked Yaoyorozu for having us.

"Please, it's my pleasure," she insisted. It was now pretty near 7 so we decided to play another game that wasnt truth or dare. We were back in the living room, this time back in our original spots with me sharing a couch with Todoroki. We were trying to come up with games when Aoyama came up with one pretty quickly. "Spin the bottle! It would be so interesting!!" For some reason we all agreed. I guess it would be a bit fun.

"How about this," Yaoyorozu began," since we started from my side last game, how about we start from the other side!" Everyone agreed, yet I knew that that meant I would be first. I gulped but agreed. Yaoyorozu grabbed an empty wine bottle and sat it in the middle. "Go on Midoriya, spin it." I exhaled. I grabbed the sides and spun it. It was slowing down more and more until.. "uh guys, it landed on me. Do I have to respin because I'd prefer not to," I asked. "Well what do you know. Okay, fine, I will grant you your wish. You dont have to respin. Todoroki, your turn."

He nodded and spun the bottle. It landed on Jiro. "Oh lord. Just get this over with," she said. Todoroki went over and pecked her lightly. I twitched slightly. They both look slightly uncomfy. I guess that's the whole point. Next was Kirishima. He spun in and it landed on Asui.

"This doesnt count as cheating, right Bakugo?" Bakugo sighed. "It doesnt count as cheating. Just kiss her. But im not watching." Bakugo turned around as Kirishima fulfilled his duties. "Let's never do that again," Asui said. "Agreed." Now it's Bakugo's turn. I felt bad for whoever to landed on. He went into the middle and spun the bottle with a little more force than necessary. It spun for a while before slowing and slowing and slowing and- oh no. Kaminari just busted out laughing.

"You have to kiss Midoriya!" Bakugo gritted his teeth, "nope! No way! Not happening. Not Deku." He got up and started to walk towards his couch when Aoyama spoke, "what, are you chicken? Are you scared Bakugo?" He froze in his tracks. Oh no. He turned to me and started my way. "Deku, pucker up." "Kacchan you-" before I got to finish he grabbed my face and kiss me. I just wanted it to end. Why does this always happen to me. He pulled away and looked angry. He shot a glare at Aoyama, "I'm no chicken, disco ball." Todoroki was kinda frozen, as was I.

"I- uh- imma go get some fresh air. It's quite relaxing for me." Yaoyorozu nodded and he opened the front door and left. "Looks like Icey Hot got jealous," Bakugo laughed. "I'll go check on him," I said. What made him leave all of a sudden? Was it Kacchan kissing me? Why did it bother him so bad? I didnt look to see Yaoyorozu's reply, I just went. I caught up with Todoroki.

"Hey, Todoroki! Wait up!" I caught up with him, catching my breath. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" I looked at him, "what is?" He looked up at the sky, slightly smiling, "the sunset. Especially with the flower petals still floating in the wind," he responded, catching some stray petals. He was right, the sky looked gorgeous. "My mom used to sit outside with me in the summers and watch the sunset. We would drink some juice and eat some cookies and just watch the sunset. It was always so peaceful. Tell me, have you ever seen anything as beautiful as the sky in this moment?" I looked around at the sky. "I guess not. I never really paid any mind to the sunsets, I guess." He walked over to a little wild flower patch and picked a light pink lily. It was pretty. He looked at me as he stood back up and smiled. I just looked at him. He held out the flower for me to take and I did as such. He turned back around to walk back towards the house. I followed him, making sure to keep up.

"Hey Todoroki," I asked," how come after Kacchan kissed me, you decided to go for a walk?" He sighed. "I don't know. I just had to get out of the room in that moment." "Was it because he kissed me?" "I'm not sure." I nodded and we walked back to the house. It was now about 7:30. I didnt think we walked that far. We came back in and Yaoyorozu greeted us, "Hey! What took yall so long?" I shrugged at her and we sat at our sofa. They must have finished the game because the bottle was gone and the couches were now used as recliners. All of the couches were facing the television. We decided to watch a movie. The movie we selected was Mrs. Doubtfire, a true classic. We were all given blankets and bowls of popcorn to share with our 'couch buddies'. We watched the movie in mostly silence until the end. It was a great movie.

It was now 9ish and we decide to all get ready for bed. We all moved the couches to one side of the room and laid out our sleeping bags. Todoroki put his furthest from everybody's, but I didn't pay it no mind. He liked his space. Bakugo and Kirishima put theirs together, basically overlapping, no surprise there, and I put mine near to Iida's. Yaoyorozu of course slept in her bedroom down the hall. Everybody eventually fell asleep, but I just couldn't. I tried to stay still so that I would though. After about an hour of trying to sleep, I heard a soft whimper-like gentle cry. I slowly sat up and looked at where it was coming from.

Everyone was asleep, but Todoroki, who was in the corner, at least 20 feet away from all of us was the one making the noises. I slowly went over to him and stood on my knees. I placed my hand on his shoulder and he bolted up in his sleep. Tears were streaming down his face uncontrollably. I wrapped my arms around him and he pulled me closer, much like a toddler would with his mother. I was now facing him, sitting on his lap with my legs wrapped around him while he buried his head in my shoulder. I rubbed his back with my fingers lightly to comfort him. I don't know why he was crying, but I figured I could find out later. Right now, I had to comfort him.

He usually never shows any emotions. He's really good at hiding them, but I guess in your sleep you can't really hide them. "Shhh. It's okay. I'm here for you. Im here. It's okay," I whisper to him. He hugged slightly tighter. I laid my head ontop of his. I dont know what has got him this way, but it can't be too good. After a few minutes, he slows down and finally stops crying. I lift my head up and hold his head up with one hand to face towards me. I wipe a few stray tears away. His eyes look so horrified yet so genuine. He had let his wall down, much to his fighting force.

"What happened Todoroki?" I whispered. " It was my mom. She- she- I dreamed about when she splashed the hot water in my face. I remember the phone call, the teapot screaming, everything. The pain, it felt so real. I-I'm sorry." He began to start to cry again. I wiped away his tears again and placed a light kiss on his forehead, brushing his bangs away.

"Don't apologize. I'm the one who's sorry. You shouldn't have had to go through that. I'm so sorry you had to. You must have felt so alone, so betrayed. But it's okay, I got you now. I'm so sorry, Todoroki, I'm so sorry." He wiped a tear from my cheek that must've escaped without me realizing. "I'm a monster. I drove her to that point. It is all my fault," he began to shake. I wrapped my arms back around him.

"You are not a monster. You are an amazing person who has a kind heart and wants to help make sure there is good left in this world. You have a rough past, I know, but it is not your fault. You didn't do anything wrong to deserve this! Listen to me Todoroki, you are not a monster. You are you. Nothing more, nothing less. No matter what happens you always pull through. You are so strong. Don't worry. I gotcha. I'll always be here for you, no matter what. I promise." He dug his head in my shoulder and sat there for a while.

"Thank you," he whispered so hush I could barely hear it. I rubbed his back a little. After a minute or two I got up. "Goodnight Todoroki." He smiled, "Goodnight Midoriya." I turned around and took a step when he called out again, "Actually, Midoriya, you dont have to but if you want, would you please sleep next to me? You know, in case I have another dream like that?" I smiled. "Of course." I went to grab my bag when I saw Iida was laying on it. Crap. I didnt want to wake him, so I just took my blanket and went over to Todoroki.

"Where is your sleeping bag?" "Iida rolled over on it, but it's okay. I have a blanket." He got up and unzipped his sleeping bag. "What are you-" "Shh. It's the least I can do." He kept it unzipped so that I could have half of it. "Oh no you dont have to-" "but I insist. Just, lay down. We need some rest." I just nodded and laid next to him, putting my blanket over the both of us. We were really close due to the sleeping bag. We were facing each other when he fell asleep first. He rolled his head a little bit and it came into contact with mine. I kept it there. Goodnight, Todoroki.

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