poofless fluff

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Rob's pov

Today is the day (*aqualad kid flash and robin voice* todays the day!) The day I ask Preston t-to be my husband. My plan was to wake up early and prepare everything so it would be perfect! (Rob is so gay in this Omg) but I slept in .-.

"Preston, honey, wake up" I pushed him "mmm no" he rolled away "mmm yes" I got up and picked him up "you need to brush yo stanky ass teeth" I told him "I'm not even awake" I dropped him in the bathtub and left "I'm making breakfast!" I said saying the end higher. "Why are wou actin like today is swou speshhial" he said obviously brushing his teeth "isn't every today 'speshhial'?" I asked "no...teeel meee" he persisted "neverr. Ooh look pancakes and woofless...be happy" I put them on our small coffee table "dude what is taking you so long?" I asked "I'm done ;-;" he sat down and started eating

(Time skip...I feel like this is doctor who I don't even watch doctor who XD)

"I'm gonna record. Okay?" Preston asked "okay" (tfios) "have fun with your devious plans" he closed the door and a few minutes later I heard his muffled intro. 'Should I ask him while he is recording? No..yes? Gaaah YES' I took a deep breath and grabbed the ring. Knock knock knock "just a sec vik, yes?" I opened the door "what is it rob?" I took another deep breath "I've have known you and dated you for a long time, you've been with me and I've been with you through...lots. I've been building up the courage to ask you this but" I got on one knee and saw Preston's mouth fly open "Preston blaine arsement, will you marry me?" I saw tears form in his eye "y-yes!" I got up and hugged him tight "am I invited to the wedding" I heard vik ask.

(Time skip 2 months)

"You may now kiss the groom"

I kissed Preston and a few people cheered "whoooo!" I heard Mitch cheer who was sitting beside Jerome

(Time skip 2 year)

"Daddy! Look" iris pointed at one of her toys "ooh! Very impressive. Preston can I have some help? Jack and devon keep running away" I asked "I tried to change jack but now he is running naked" I heard Preston yell from the kitchen "I got them!" Preston said grabbing the twins "why didn't we just get 2 kids?" I said sighing "the twins were to cute! Now shutup"

(#longest oneshot it's 6:00 I didn't sleep)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2014 ⏰

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