Ascension of the Moon

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The moon glow filters through the large casement windows of the lobby, hinting the nearing time of which the desolate looking room would glow in its stunning vibrance. Multiple paintings line up the walls and large crystal chandeliers adorn the ceiling. The pillars were fashioned in a way to reflect an ancient and classy atmosphere with its Corinthian order design, and the room was affixed with semi-conservative furnishings and ornaments.

Half of the city will be alive tonight as the other half slumbers, half of the world that stopped breathing will revive itself once more. For the lucky few who were fortunate enough to witness such, it was magical. For that reason, the staff of this hotel have sworn to serve the Heir and this establishment with undying loyalty. It was what they were waiting for, always had been, and yet they couldn't stop their selves from thrumming in excitement. It was a little bit past 7 and they were only waiting for the them to come back and open the hotel for official business. However, they note that they're a tad bit late.

"Is it okay for him to be late like this?" the porter, Jun, whispers to the concierge.

"He'll be here soon enough." Ilhoon vociferates, glancing at the boy hunched over warily at his side whilst maintaining his professional posture, hands folded neatly at his back. "He's not as reckless as you think he is, Jun."

"But it's almost 8-" he admonishes, wringing his hands together and unraveling them over and over in worry.

"I say you better just wait patiently, Jun." Jongho joins in, voice full of resolve. "He never turns up late for no valid reason, you know that." 

Ilhoon gives their bartender a side long glance, knowing that he has solid loyalty to the Heir before sighing and addressing the sulky porter beside him. "We have been with him for a long time, Jun. Now is not the time to doubt him."

At that, Jun visibly curls in on himself. "I'm sorry." he mumbles weakly, a hand coming to clench on the hem of his uniform. 

Ilhoon allows himself to falter, elbowing Jun lightly to gain his attention before flashing him a small smile. "We're not mad, Jun. You're quite new here compared to that of us here, after all. Just be patient, alright?" he says, reaching a hand to ruffle the younger boy's hair.

Jongho breathes in sharply, but that's just because he's fighting the urge to snort and snicker under his breath. Ever since their newly hired porter has entered the scene, he's noted that Ilhoon became more of a talker, an empath and a smiler. All of the things that he was not as opposed from when he first came to serve in the hotel. He knows that the concierge ultimately has heart eyes for Jun, but he won't say that out loud. He likes seeing Ilhoon suffer after all, what with him trying to figure out himself and Jun at the same time. Needless to say, it doesn't help that the porter seems oblivious about the matter, either.

Ilhoon looks at Jongho weirdly after he reacted somewhat strongly to his words. When they meet eyes, the bartender lets his shoulder shake quietly, hands coming up to muffle his laughter as he turns away from the two. The concierge had half a mind to beat some sense up to the other man when he hears a resounding bang from the door of the foyer, startling him from his train of thought. His head whips so fast to address whatever it was that had caused such a noise, only to find their Heir panting heavily and seemingly catching his breath. The scene looks pretty austere, if not for the man strewn across his shoulder as if he were but a sack of potatoes. The entourage watches in shock before one of them comes back to their senses to comment in alarm.

"W-What happened?" Jun exclaims, looking mortified at seeing this scene unfold.

Jongho narrows his eyes at the knocked up man hanging limply on the Heir's shoulders, brows furrowing as he tries to conjure the most sensible reason as to why this is happening. He knows that something isn't right, but he doesn't move to point it out. Instead, he awaits of his orders, because the Heir always bellows orders when he looks worked up quite like this.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2020 ⏰

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