"Yes Mia, I am fine. Please don't worry about it. It will be fine." Just then a rowdy group of people our age came outside, smirking and smirking in my direction. Probably happy about getting me upset with their words.

        They sneered at me in hatred.

        [You should just die half-breed. You're unnatural. Leave Riley alone and we won't hurt you.]

        I bared my teeth at the thought of having to leave Riley's side. Before I knew it, I was being hauled backwards by Al and Jonathan. Somehow I managed to push them away from me and I was on the rowdy guys once more.

        Until I caught the scent of the one thing that made me snap out of whatever it was I was in.


        His touch calmed me, it was like a soothing cool cloth against the forehead for bringing the fever down. I calmed down instantly and stepped away from the rowdy group into his embrace.

        "Challenge me again, and you won't live to tell the tale."

        Riley kept beaming in my direction on the way back.

        [What is it? What makes you smile like that at me?]

        Riley just kept grinning and grabbed my hand. I could practically feel his Inner Panther vibrate happily under my touch, preening at something I most likely did.

        You fought for us.

        Riley's Inner Panther purred in my head, I could feel his immense pleasure at the mere mention.

        For us that's the best thing ever, showing you are willing to fight for us shows that you are ready to take on any challenge thrown your way whenever it concerns us. Just like we will fight for you, to stay by your side we will take on the Alpha King if need be. Not sure that we would win but we will try.

        I smiled as Riley squeezed my hand once more before letting go. Before I had time to feel bereft of his presence he was at my side of the car, opening the door and scooping me up in his arms. Giggling I noticed he carried me over the threshold, much like a groom would do to his just wedded wife.

        "Are you now going to carry me up to the bedroom to have hot steamy sex?" I asked innocently, discreetly looking up at him from under my lashes. Something he couldn't resist. As if the growl and dilated pupils weren't answering enough, the obvious bulged in his pants was.

        His long legs made quick work of the stairs and landing before he kicked the bedroom door closed. Hands tearing at offending and constricting clothes, lips, teeth and tongue licking and nipping at anything they could reach. I was a mewling, panting mess when Riley finally made his way to my twitching hole, something Riley took great pride in.

        My knees we over his shoulders, giving him full access. "Please" I begged as two of his fingers slid in and out of me "Please...your dick....NOW!" I roared throwing my head back as his fingers pegged my prostate once again.

        He didn't need to be told twice, as his fingers slipped away only to be replaced by his condom-wrapped length. He was going to slow for my liking though; I want hard and deep. Taking matters into my own hands, I pushed my hips slightly upward and gasped as he hit my prostate head on.

        "God Archie! You're so tight, and you're milking me. Feels like I'm gonna melt." Riles moaned in my ear as he kept pistoning that same angle over and over again.

        The both of us were dripping and sleek with sweat, making me adjust my grip on Riles every now and again. Feeling my orgasm rise, I reach down between us and roughly tug at myself.

        A few strokes and I was hollering on the top of my lungs. Riles was a little behind me as I felt my walls clamp down on him. He groaned low in his throat before clamping on the part between my neck and shoulder, slowly filling up the condom as he did so.

        [Marking me again?]

        I snickered as Riles let out an irritated huff. "I will mark you over and over again until it's permanent on your skin. You are mine."

        Preening, I snuggle closer into him. I was drifting off when I heard a shout, startled I noticed the bed was empty.

        [Where are you?]

        I asked Riley as I wiggled out of the snug bed-covers.

        [I am at the Northern edge of my territory, there is an intruder. A human intruder]

        I hastily pulled on some sweats and a shirt

        [Really who is it?]

        I was running down the stairs two at a time. I was halfway there before Riley felt the need to respond to me.

        [It's that ass Keelan.]

        I could hear the anger in his voice.

        [What the hell is he doing here? I thought he wasn't a shifter?]

        Skidding to a stop at the clearing, I could see a terrified Keelan on the ground with a huge feline on top of him. When it caught my scent it lifted his head and snarled.

        [Who the hell are you?]

        I glared at the monstrous feline slowly pawed at Keelan's chest. Scratching it, making him whimper in pain or fear.

        "Let him go!"

        Keelan's head whipped around to face me and lit up.


        [Where are you, Riles? I thought you were here?]

        I heard a groan from the bushes.

        [I was but, I was but, the Cat Clan is purposely holding me up with the dispute whether they're in my territory or not. ]

        [But who the hell is he? And why is he doing that to Keelan?]

        I could hear Riley sigh in frustration at the situation.

        [That is because Dillan is the Cat Clan's toughest warrior and they say Keelan violated some law. Although they won't tell me which one it is. I think it's bull and they just want to terrify the poor human for sport.]

        Although I don't like Keelan that much nobody deserves this kind of thing.

        [I know, I am getting him outta here.]

A Summer To Never Forget {Complete}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant