An Unexpected Visitor

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When I walked in, the house was uncharacteristically quiet. I slowly peeked my head around to the kitchen to see if Miss Kelly, my unfortunately talkative secretary, was taking a nap in the common room of the house.

I never really enjoyed her presence, well that's an understatement, I really really don't like Miss Kelly. For the simple fact that she treats me like I'm a four year old boy simply because I'm a newly graduated priest. For Christ sake I know I'm only 28 but come on lady stop pinching my cheeks! I know that my personal feelings for Miss Kelly were not entirely priestly but I'm only human and that lady is obviously a test sent from God or a pest sent by the devil to torment me...(or maybe both??)

Tangent aside. On a normal day I would simply sneak past her as she snores louder then a band saw, but today I was pleased to see that it was not necessarily and that the parish office was all mine for the afternoon. With a slight skip in my step I make my way toward my office and open the door only to find that I, in fact, am not alone. To my surprise I find a woman, not more then a few years older then me, sitting with her head slouched and slightly snoring.

'Well you aren't Miss Kelly' I think to myself.

Then, like a sack of bricks, it hits me that I had a scheduled appointment earlier this morning that I completely blew off. I glance at the clock and realize it is now 1 in the afternoon.

'Wow Austin your first parish and already you are making a complete fool of yourself!' I say a silent prayer that this won't end with me being completely excommunicated, yes I know dramatic but if you knew the day I had you might change your mind.

I slid my hand over my face in exhaustion and prepared to wake up my guest when I take a moment to really look at her. Her face was heavenly, truly and absolutely stunning. Her pale skin was contorted beautifully with the hollows of her cheek bones, her face showed no sign of blemish except for the scar that reached from back behind her hair line to the corner of her eyebrow. The scar, though some may see as a flaw, seemed to give her face purpose and a mysterious aura. She looked so peaceful like nothing and no one should bother her from this slumber that she has found herself in.

However, God seemed to have other plans for, as if on cue, the sun came shining in from the near by open window and illuminated her face. The beauty that I had gotten a glimpse of before was amplified by the light and made her dark dirty-blonde hair shimmer brighter. I was so transfixed by the sight in front of me I failed to realized that the once closed eyes of my guest were now staring at me with almost deadly intensity. I had expected for her eyes to shimmer but, even in the light, they were a stormy shade of forest green and had no life behind them.

"Hello" is all I could manage to shove out of my stupid mouth.

I silently thought 'Ok Austin you have really messed up now. Not only have you missed an appointment with this person by four and a half hours but now you were caught staring at her while she was sleeping. And oh ya she wouldn't have been asleep if you had been ON TIME!'

Dispute my inner monologue, I slowly stepped to my chair and sat down with out fidgeting or freaking out, well visually at least. I wait for probably a few awkward seconds of staring at the other person just waiting for them to start speaking because I am as sure as hell not going to start first. Mainly for fear that I would ramble a million apologies and make a fool out of myself further but also it looks like she was still waking up and she clearly wanted the first word.

With a deep sigh she stuck out her hand rather awkwardly.

'Wow Austin, you were staring at her in her sleep and you have the audacity to utter that judgmental comment.' I mentally shrugged off my own self-conscious fast enough to hear her introduction.

"Oh! Your name is Jophiel, like the one if the seven arch-angel's? I believe that angle symbolizes wisdom and understanding. I never know what pronouns to use for the angels, but since it is you namesake I guess we will say "she". She has a flaming sword if I remember correctly, I never really got the meaning for it but it seems pretty cool. Oh... sorry I must be rambling again,"

To my surprise the look on her face isn't one of boredom but one of common understandings and dare I say shock?

"My name is Father James Austin it's very nice to meet you," I say and finally let go of her hand that I honestly forgot I was still shaking.

As quickly as I notice her emotions they seem to slide back into a professional and hard expression when she looks at the time on her phone. I mentally cringe in anticipation from the string of insults I'm sure to receive. However, I celebrated my tiny victory as she sighed and simply unlocked her phone and searched for something that obviously laid deep inside.

'Wow she sure sighs a lot.' I mentally noted.

"I really haven't come here to nap in your office all day-"

I visibly shrank in my chair at her comment 'Ya I deserved that'

"- I have important information to disclose to you. If your not too busy of course," As she looked up I couldn't help but notice a small sparkle in her clouded eyes. 

'Is she flirting with me?'

"No, of course. What is it you want to talk to me about?" as I spoke she sifted in her seat like she was uncomfortable. She then reached into her bag and slid a metallic looking card in my direction.

"Holy shit" I muttered under my breath. I looked up in shock of not only my strange visitor but also the fact that I cursed and now most defiantly will have to go to confession for the third time this week. And ya I know it's only Tuesday...

The smooth metal card in front of me was something of legend that was only briefly talked about in my studies at the Vatican. It held the imprint of a pattern that was sure to mean something but, in the true nature of this faction of the church, remained a mystery.

The words of a past professor rang true in my ear 'Do what they say and when they say it. If you fail to do so you will never see though mortal eyes again. The horrors you will see instead will make you wish you never lived at all,'

With almost a spiteful tone, I ponder quietly 'Great job Austin if only you had forgotten to breathe this morning... maybe it would have been better then this absolute shit show of a day'

I plaster on a look I hope doesn't resemble the pure fear and embarrassment I feel with my whole soul. I politely ask "So, uh,  you said you had something to tell me Most Holy Reverend Jophiel?"

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