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thirty, 𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐄

my bambino 🥴
i'm sorry about what i said.
all of it. i didn't mean it, at all.
chase has been on my ass about
you all the time, telling me that what
i feel for you isn't real, and what scares me
is that couldn't be any less true. i love
you salem, like, a lot. and that scares the
hell out of me. i'm scared. scared you won't
feel the same way, or scared we won't work
due to hate and we'll grow apart. i don't want
to lose the bond we have, ever. it means the
world to me, you mean the world to me. i
love you so much, but, god everything
is fucked up, and it's my fault.

Charli stared at her phone, contemplating whether or not to send the message. The message could possibly ruin or fix what was happening between her and Salem. There was also the possibility they could work everything out and end up dating, which Charli would admit, made her happy inside.

"Charli, you good?" She looked up from her phone towards Chase, and forced a smile and nodded. Chase and her were complicated, they weren't together, but we're acting like they were on their socials. Honestly, if you asked her it was tiring. Having to pretend to be in love when she was actually in love with someone else.

Charli nodded to herself, clicked the send button and sat her phone down.


A text tone rang throughout Lilith's room. The blonde had her phone in her hand, so obviously it had came from Salem's phone. Salem had gone downstairs to grab something to drink, but had left her phone unlocked. Lilith grabbed the phone, curiosity getting the best of her.

She saw that the notification had been from Charli, Lilith narrowed her eyes. "This bitch."

Lilith opened Salem's messages, going to the settings on Charli's contact and turning her read receipts off. Then, she opened the text completely.

"Get the hell over it," Lilith whispered, rolling her eyes at Charli's heartfelt message. Why couldn't Charli just leave her and Salem alone? Why couldn't she just be happy with Chase? Lilith hated her.

Lilith reread the message, realizing how Charli had practically admitted to being in love with Salem. Lilith knew had Salem ever seen the message, she would leave her in a heartbeat for Chari. So, Lilith did the reasonable thing in her mind.

She deleted the message.

Smirking to herself, Lilith placed the phone back where it had originally been. Just in time for Salem to come back up the stairs and enter her room.

"Hey, anyone call or text me?"

Lilith smiled, "Nobody at all."

authors note,
i- 👁👄👁

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