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        “One more, I just need to do one more,” his face was covered in sweat as he huffed and puffed.
        “If you try again, you might collapse, let's just go home,” the nurse scolded.
        “No, I want to try once more.  One more, then I'll go home.  Please, just let me try one more time, please?” he begged, desperately wanting to try again.
        “Fine, but I'm holding you to your word, after this you need rest.  You have been trying again and again for hours,”
        He held the bars to his side tightly as the nurse held onto his back.  He took one step forward and lifted his arms.  He continued to walk forward.  He was out of balance, but he was walking.  For the first time in many years he could walk.
        He made it to the end of the walk area without clutching onto the bars.  The past few hundred times he tried, he fell.  He felt amazing.
        “I did it.  I-i did it.  I finally did it, I can walk.  I can walk!” he shook with excitement.
        “Good job Like, you did it.  Now, you need some rest.  Let's get you to bed,” the nurse walked Luke into his wheelchair, he carefully sat down and played back, smiling at his newfound accomplishment.


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