She springs up from her chair and slaps him. She's taken aback by his action, and felt disgusted that she had someone's lips on hers other than FPs.

"I thought you wanted this job." He growls, standing up from his seat.

"Is that the only reason you gave me it?" She questioned, tears slowly starting to fill her eyes.

"Oh please, do you think we'd really give a job to a brainwashed, wife of a serial killer?" He chuckled.

"I don't understand." She softly lets out.

"It was great meeting you Alice... Cooper? Evernever? Smith?" He smiles wickedly. "But it turns out that you just aren't right for the job. You can see yourself out now." He adjusted his tie before making his way behind his desk and sitting in his chair.

She breathes out furiously before storming out of the building, not daring to let any tears fall. She couldn't let this get to her, she couldn't let herself believe that this town just thought of her as a joke.

With that, she got in her station wagon and sped off home. She didn't want to face anyone yet, hoping they were all out or busy in their rooms. She had no idea what she was going to tell them, she didn't want to face the embarrassment, but she couldn't lie.

With all of the thoughts swarming through her mind, she made her way to her front door and opened it slowly with a frown. Only to reveal FP, Charles, Betty, Jughead and Jellybean all waiting for her with a cake and a banner that read "congratulations".

"She's back!" Jellybean squeals.

All of their heads turn to face the woman who had worn a fake smile. It was all becoming overwhelming, she didn't know how much more she could take.

"How did it go, mom?" Betty excitedly asks.

Alice opens her mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. She gulps as they all worriedly look at her, as if she was going to blow up at any second.

"It went fine." She finally let out. "Guys, I'm really sorry but I'm just not feeling to well. This is all really lovely and I'm so grateful you did this all for me, but I think I just need to lay down. I'm sorry." She informs them, not waiting for a response as she makes her way up the stairs.

"That was... weird?" Charles lets out.

"Yeah, she didn't seem okay." Jughead spoke up.

FP sighs. "I'll go check up on her, just watch a movie or something."

Alice had shut their bedroom door and stood there for a moment. Thinking over everything that had just happened, everything Russel had said to her. Rage immediately took over her as she flung her purse roughly, making it land on the other side of the room. She stomps the the bathroom that was connected to their bedroom and furiously turns on the tap as she grabs her toothbrush, putting a layer of toothpaste on it before attacking her teeth. Disgust that his lips were on hers, she vigorously brushed her teeth as she looked at herself in the mirror. Breaking down ever so slowly, as she spit out into the sink.

Soon enough, the tears had started streaming down her face and it didn't take long for a loud sob to make its way out of her mouth. Her body started shaking as she dropped her toothbrush, hyperventilating as she looked at her broken self in the mirror.

FP had heard her loud cried, making him burst into the room, following the sound to the bathroom as he watched a panic attack take over her.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, what's going on? What's wrong?" He asks worriedly.

She can't seem to form the words, as she couldn't breath. She started walking backwards, her back falling into Fp's front as his hit the wall behind him. He wrapped his arms around her, embracing her tightly, as they slowly sunk down to the floor.

"Alice, I need you to breathe for me, breathe for me baby, please breathe." He soothed her, coaching her.

Her breaths started becoming regular again, but the tears never stopped. They constantly streamed down her face, as FP rubbed her arms gently, knowing that his touch calmed her down.

She wiggles her way around to face him, and lets out a cry when she meets his concerned filled eyes.

"Al, please tell me what's wrong?" He pleads with her.

"I'm so sorry." She brokenly whispers.

"For what, baby?" He caresses her cheek.

"It just happened and I-I didn't want it to, but I didn't move away on time and-and-" she was hiccuping though tears, so he hushed her and placed a blonde curl behind her ear.

"What happened?"

"Russel hit on me." She cringes.

"He what?" Fp's eyebrows raise to his hairline.

"He-he kissed me, then he fired me. He made it very clear how this whole town sees me." She shakes her head, as if it would erase the memory from her brain.

He clenched his jaw, as his nostrils flared. He was furious with this man, and unbeknownst to him, he was about to become a lot more furious.

"What do you mean he made it clear of how the town sees you?" He growled, trying to keep his anger at bay. His priority was calming her down, and comforting her.

"I'm the town joke." She breathes out, looking directly in his eyes.

"No you're not." He shakes his head firmly.

"But I am. I'm just the wife of a serial killer, some even say I was his accomplice. Or-or I'm the brainwashed wife of a cult leader, even though I was undercover, people don't see that. Those things are all I will ever be." She cries, clinging onto him.

"Hey, don't say that. You are so much more than that, you hear me? You are Alice Smith. You are the strongest, compassionate, smart, most beautiful woman I know." He tilts her chin up so her eyes will meet his. "No one thinks those things of you, Al."

"But he did."

"Yeah, well he's a jackass. He doesn't know what he's talking about. Just wanted to get under your skin when you refused to sleep with him." He growled.

He sees her face drop, and it kills him. She looked so small and broken, all he wanted to do was hide her from the world and not let anyone hurt her again.

"Alice, I promise you, you are not the town joke." He reassures her.


"No buts. You are a beautiful woman, inside and out, and I am so proud of you, and I am so in love with you. I don't care what anybody says, you're perfect." He states, wiping a few stray tears.

She smiles slightly, feeling touched by his words. She sniffles as she cups his face in her hands, caressing his stubble.

"I don't know what I'd do without you." She softly admits.

"I love you, Alice." He gives her a sad smile.

"I love you too, FP. Thank you." She leans in and kisses him slowly. Savouring the taste of his lips, trying to erase the taste of Russels.

"Do you wanna go get something to eat?" He rubs her sides.

She shakes her head no. "Can you just hold me?"

"Of course I can, but may I suggest we move to the bed instead of the bathroom floor?" He raises an eyebrow, earning a little laugh.

"I think that can be arranged." He kisses her nose before slowly helping her off the ground.

They make their way over to the bed, and waste no time in getting cuddled up in each others arms. Alice's head was laying on his chest, while he embraced her tightly, rubbing his fingers through her golden locks.

"I love you." She whispers, breaking the silence.

He looks down at her with a smile, seeing how her eyes were fluttering. "I love you more, Al. Get some rest." He kisses her forehead.

She had soon drifted off to sleep, listening to his heartbeat that always calmed her. He followed shortly after, making sure that she was comfortable and safe first before finally shutting his eyes.

- - - -

Should I make a part 2?

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