Leon's eyes bulged. "Really?! How-" I flicked the male's forehead, forcing him to jolt backward. "H-Hey!" He whined, rubbing the mild red spot on his forehead. I shushed him with a serious look in my eyes.
"Stop being so loud—We don't need to get anybody else involved in this."
Leon waved his hands in defense, trying to hide his enthusiasm. "Okay, okay... Just tell me what they found out."

"Well. For starters, all it took was a few strands of his hair. Since all of his records were mysteriously wiped anything of his would've been useful. His belongings probably would have done all the same; Finger prints and such."

"So again, what's your plan?" Leon asked, impatience in his voice. I glanced down at the table. "I'll go see him." I swallowed, "I've learned that he usually always knows where I am... He could be watching us right now for all I know." I shrugged and took another sip of my milk without too much of a care.
Leon on the other hand sat up straight with alert, his big azure eyes darting from corner to corner, wall to wall, and window to window.

"—I cant tell if you're joking with me or not..." Leon said with unease in his tone.
"I'm being serious. Anyways, I'll start tonight; I'll go and look for him at the places where we've last encountered each other. Then, if I find him I'll try to talk him into going into hiding where nobody except me can find him. I'll visit him from time to time and try to slowly shift him into less of a crazy person."

Leon scoffed and crossed his arms. He was clearly unamused. "And what if he refuses? Who knows, maybe he has his OWN plans to get what HE wants. You're making this sound too easy (Y/N)."
"That's because it will be. Nathan has an ALMIGHTY soft spot for me. If I can just use that advantage against him I'll be able to make things right. Maybe I'll be able to make him lose interest in me."

Leon thought for a moment. "And what if you get caught trying to help him by the FBI?"

I was beginning to get slightly tired of all the questions. "I won't. Leon, I've got everything under control-"
"No." Leon interrupted. "—That's what you said the last time you did something risky like this. There's too many problems with this plan (Y/N)."

I sat with a blunt expression. I let a small smirk creep onto my lips. "You're right. Maybe there are some loose ends. Even then, Nathan won't let anything bad happen to me; I'm still doing this, Tonight, in fact." I held out my hand toward the blue haired male, "I know you won't come with, but I still want you to play a part in this—You can't forget that this all leads up to what we started. Remember? Our case?"

Leon stared at my hand with an unsure look in his eyes. With a sigh, he took my hand in his with reluctant approach. "...What do you want me to do?"

What do you want me to do?"

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~Later That Night~

"Stephenson!" The tall man yelled as he stomped up the concrete steps toward Leon's front door, his teeth gritted angrily as he banged on the door with a clenched fist. "Stephenson, open up!" It wasn't long before the door unlocked and swung open. It was none other than his mother, her voice shaky as she spoke. "U-Uh?! What seems to be the problem-" The tall man showed his badge.
"Where is your son? This is an urgent matter."
The tall man interrupted.
With concern, Ms. Stephenson called up to Leon.

Moments later, the male came treading down the stairs with a wide eyed look. "Mom? Is everything okay?" She let out an anxious laugh.
"Yes, of course! This uhm... Polite man of the law just wanted to ask you something—"
"Where is (Y/N)?!" He yelled through the door, forcing Ms. Stephenson to jolt in surprise,
"You were with him all day, so you're the only one that knows, boy!"
Leon would stare at the tall man blankly. Calmly, he walked down to the front door. "You can go to your room now Mom."

"You don't have to tell me twice!" She squawked before scrambling to her bedroom once again.

Leon then turned to the man, the same blank expression plastered onto his face. "You mean to tell me you've lost my best friend again? You were to supposed to be watching him... Either way, we parted ways after school; He should be at home." Though, this only seemed to anger the man even more. "You better hope we don't find him during our expedition tonight, because if we do, BOTH of you will be arrested."

The man applied a finger to his earpiece, "This is agent Murad speaking... Yes, I want every unit out there alert. Keep your eyes open for (Y/N) (L/N). He may be trying to interfere."

And with that, the tall man turned and rushed down the steps, leaving Leon standing silent at his front door.


With a turn of the metal knob, I slowly opened the wooden door to the janitor's closet. I peaked my head out and scaled the hallways, (E/C) eyes darting from surface to surface. It was dark, but I could tell security was no longer here. With a huff of relief I stepped out of cramped room and closed the door behind me. "That was surprisingly easy."
It was a stretch, but I had a gut feeling this should be the first place I look.

I stalked down the hallways and peaked around every corner before turning one. Before I knew it I was standing in front of the door of my first period class, and to my surprise the door was already slightly opened.

Cautiously, I pushed the door open with one hand and stepped into the room. The room was dimly lit due to the moon that shone upon the night sky. I had never noticed before, but the classroom looked so much more appealing when no one else was around, including that loud mouth of a teacher.

And then I saw it: A petite shadowy figure sitting in my usual assigned seat by the window. The familiar figure stared out into the distance, chin resting in their palm. It wasn't long until they noticed me, the figure finally facing in my direction, their wide gaze seeming to gleam/shine in the darkened room.

Suddenly, I felt instant relief wash over my body right there and then.
"I knew I'd find you here."


Lemon will be on the next part.

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