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Idea from supercoolzoe
Thanks, sorry I took a long time just busy posting on TikTok and my other story💞
I was at Jaden's house (your boyfriend) cuddling watching movies and eating popcorn when an idea came up to my head
(Y/n-you) (J-Jaden)

Y/n-Baby can we go to the mall?
J-Not now baby let's finish the movie
Y/n-Awwww pleaseee

I pouted then Jaden looked down at me and peppered kissed me all over my face

J-Why are you so cute ugh
Y/n-*you laugh* I'm not
J-Uuuuu yes you are
J-Ok so we're not going to the mall
Y/n-Yes yes ok
J-Say it
Y/n-Alright yes I am cute

Jaden smiled and kissed me

J-Alright get ready we're going

I got up and picked out some clothes, I changed into it and straightned my hair and put some white sneakers

I got up and picked out some clothes, I changed into it and straightned my hair and put some white sneakers

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^^^ (your outfit)

  ^^^ (your outfit)

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^^^ (your shoes)

             ^^^ (your hair)I grabbed my navy blue purse and met Jaden outside in his car

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^^^ (your hair)
I grabbed my navy blue purse and met Jaden outside in his car

J-Where are you going so pretty?
Y/n-Who me?
J-Nooooo casper in the back
Y/n-Oh ok so casper where are you going so pretty? *you joked*
Y/n-What you said casper
J-*laughs* ok ok let's go now

*Skip to mall*
I was drinking the Starbucks drink I bought for myself while on my phone. Jaden went to H&M to buy himself some tangtops and I finally heard him coming back, I look up but he wasn't by himself, he was with a girl.....a very pretty girl. She had blue eyes, blond hair, she was skinny, and she had a perfect tan, yea they might only be friends but what if Jaden leaves me for her? He seemed to he having fun and I wasn't gonna put up to this so I grabhed my stuff and walked up to them
(Thoughts in italic) (G-girl)

Y/n-Hi baby
G-Oh you have a girlfriend?
J-Yea *oh my gosh they have been hanging out and flirting and he didn't even want to say he was taken*
Y/n-How long have you guys been talking?
G-Since 1 week
J-Wait n-
Y/n-Wow Jaden and she doesn't even know you have me you probably were thinking to cheat right!

I start crying and I run off "Y/n wait!" Was what I heard while running off and that girls laugh. I ran pass the car but Jaden was able to catch up and stop me

J-Baby please listen
Y/n-What Jaden you want me to hear oh I'm gonna break up with you because I fell for her!
J-No look she's lying I just met her when I was paying she asked for directions to Victoria Secret and then she asked something else and it was funny to me because she was trying to hook up but I promise I would never cheat I love you I don't like her look at the differences between you both she is nothing near to you you're so much better and kind she isn't please baby believe me I love you
Y/n-I believe you sorry baby

I sob and hug him, he picks me up and kisses my head, he rubs my back and sets me down

J-Sorry baby I should've backed her off
Y/n-No don't say sorry it was me I should've never overreacted like that it's just you seemed happy and I thought you guys were besties or something
J-No baby I always tell you my bestfriends from my part
Y/n-Well me too sorry
J-It's ok baby I love you
Y/n-I love you too

Jaden drives home and I enter but Jaden stayed outside on a call meanwhile I sneaked into his closet and stole his favorite hoodie, I took off my sweater and put it on and changed into shorts, I layed down on his bed and I heard the door open, Jaden enters the room and he looks at me then laughs. I giggle and open my arms he runs to me and jumps on me, I kiss him and play with his hair. We both stay silent for a couple of minutes before Jaden falls asleep

Y/n-Mmh I adore you Jaden *you whisper*
I finally posted after a longggg time sorry about that guys but I hope y'all enjoyed this!🌷

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