Chapter 4

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"Shh, you can't sleep here tonight." I her a voice whisper, I'm pretty sure it's Layla. "And why can't i?" Another voice. I look over to the night stand at the clock. It's 2:34 a.m, 'who the heck is here?'

"Because the guest room is occupied." Layla snarls at the other person. "Why? What the hell, Layla? You know that's my room!" The other person muffles rather loudly. I can tell its a guy. "This girl, uh Kyleigh was being followed and I guess this is the first house she saw. She banged on the door and grandma answered it and she's letting her spend the night. Don't worry Matt, you can sleep in my room and I'll take the couch." Layla calmly speaks and refers to me as Kyleigh, like 'Scuse me correction it's Ryleigh.

I guess the person's name is Matt. Probably not the Matt I know, well hopefully it's not him. "Ugh okay!" He whisper yells. How doesn't Ms. Stacy hear this? Or is she fine with this? "Matt I'm sorry, hopefully it doesn't happen again. This girl is really something else. She's a fake Barbie wanna-be." Laya interoperates, wow that kind of hurt.

"Layla calm your tits you don't even know her like that do you?" Matt utters softly. "No but she looks like a wanna-be Barbie. Why are you taking up for her? You don't even know her. Do you?" I wonder if this Matt kid the one in her pictures. "Obviously I don't, your like my only friend."

You can kind of tell there is something going on between them. Not like they like each other but they have drama. A lot of drama. "Okay, well I'm sleepy so goodnight. Don't pee in my bed. Sweet dreams. Matt. I loooove you." Layla announces, quietly of course. "Okay good night. Love you too" Matt voice says.

Next thing you know I hear the floor creak and the door closes. I guess they are going to bed. Uh duh, Ryleigh they did just say that. I guess I should get some rest. I'm going to to get up early so that Layla doesn't have to see me. I knew she didn't like me.

But why doesn't she like me? I don't even know her.

I look over at the clock and its 3:16.

I. Need. Sleep.

> Next Morning <

"Should we wake her?" I hear a quiet voice outside the door. "No she needs her sleep she looked miserable yesterday." Another whispered. It was obviously Layla and her grandmother. I squint my eyes and look at the clock beside the bed, it reading 11:07 a.m., oh my gosh. I never sleep this late, I need to leave get up and leave.

I wait a couple of minutes before I actually get up, I'm pretty lazy in the morning. I finally get up and I look back at the clock 11:24, it didn't even feel like I was laying there for a long time. I stretch my arms and my legs, then I kind of wobble to the mirror.

I look horrifying. My hair was everywhere and my mascara was all under my eyes. 'Did I cry last night?' I don't remember crying. I don't even remember my dream, but the sleep was amazing.

I look around the room for a brush because I'm not, I am not walking downstairs with my hair looking a mess. I found a brush and I obviously brush my hair, I then get a tissue to wipe the mascara that was all over my face. I look in the mirror, I still look horrifying, but better.

I open the door and I slowly make my way down stairs. The stairs creaking in almost every step I take.

"Oh how lovely. GoodMorning Ryleigh. How'd you sleep?" Ms. Stacy asks as I reach the last step. "Oh hello, GoodMorning. I slept good, thank you."

She leads to the kitchen where two bodies were facing the opposite direction. I know one of them is Layla, of course. But the other one, I'm not so sure, but I know it's a guy.

"Oh look who decided to finally get up." Layla remarks. "GoodMorning Layla." I smile. The unknown person has yet to look at me. "It's actually afternoon now." She snottily replies.

"Oh well, uh Good afternoon Layla. Ms. Stacy, thank you for letting me stay the night but I should get going. Thank you again." I say looking at the back of Ms. Stacy's white hair. "Oh no dear, stay for breakfast. Well brunch." She insist but I'm going to decline it.

"No thank you. I should head home, mom and dad might be worried." I lie. I don't have parents, they left me. "Okay dear, but if you ever need a place to stay, you're always welcomed here." She smiles heartily, she's very, very sweet. There's a word I just can't think of it right now.

"She can't stay again grandma." Layla speaks out. "And why is that?" Ms. Stacy sasses. "Because all last night I heard crying and weeping, she talks in her sleep too."

Do I really? I really didn't know that. Nobody can tell me because nobody lives with me. Screw my life.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't know. Nobody has ever told me I did. I live al-" I stop mid-word realizing I almost said I live alone. Ms. Stacy and Layla look at me weirdly. "Thank you, Ms. Stacy again, I should get going. Uh Layla do you want me to just put these in y-" before I could finish she shakes her head "No, you can keep them."

I still don't know who this person in. They haven't looked my way, they haven't even looked at me. "Okay well I'm going to gather my stuff and I'm gonna get going." I walk up the stairs and I go down the hall to the room I slept in.

I gather up my clothes from yesterday, then I make the bed because that would be awfully rude If I didn't. I feel somebody's presence but I keep doing what I'm doing, besides its probably Layla. I finally get done and I pick up my clothes and walk towards the door eyes on the ground.

"It's rude not to look at someone while they're in your presence." A voice says, it's a guys. I look up and I stop in my tracks.


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