Part 1

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Kate was born with light green eyes. Everyone knew what it meant. Kate's soulmate was a little older, and already in love with a girl he's never met. Because of that, Kate was always payed a little extra attention to when she was younger.

Beth was okay with that. Because Kate may have been born with color in her eyes but Beth however was not. She never cared much for her parents. Kate gave her all the attention she could ever want and Kate gave her all the love she would ever need. Everybody else just wasn't as important as her twin sister. Kate understood that. She was okay with it.


Kate would be what most call 'The favorite' between the two sisters. Her mother loved to hold her. To stare into her eyes. Happy because her daughter's soulmate loves her. Something her soulmate never felt for her.

She loves her husband. Truly she does. But she never has and never will love him the same way she loves the person who complete's her soul. Even if they don't love her back.

Much like her mother, Beth's eyes are dull and colorless. They stay the same for years. Long enough for her mother to fear she will suffer the same fate she does. To have a soulmate that doesn't love her back is something she wishes on no one.


Sophie's eyes gained their color when she turned six. She was the first one to have brown eyes in her class. Because of that Sophie was always payed a little extra attention to when she was younger. She didn't enjoy it much but she didn't mind.

They would ask 'How does it feel to be loved by your soulmate?' and Sophie would wonder what answer they were looking for. The one she would give them 'I feel no different then how I felt before' always seemed to disappoint them.

While she loves her soulmate and she knows her soulmate loves her, she never saw the big deal about this whole soulmate mess.

Isn't it enough to just know you have someone, somewhere out there who loves you for simply existing? Shouldn't the bond between soulmates be something only they should be concerned about?

While Sophie certainly believed that, the rest of the world seemed to disagree. It was Taboo not to talk about your soulmate. Only ones who people thought were socially acceptable to stay quiet about them were the ones whose eyes stayed dull.

At some point in time people understood the pain others would feel having to talk about someone who doesn't even love them. That didn't stop them for being in Sophie's business though. For years the only thing people around her could talk about were the color of her eyes and how happy and exciting it must be to have a soulmate that loves her. So when Sophie's eyes turned from brown to white no one knew how to act.


Sophie's eyes lost their color when she turned fifteen. She cried in her mother's lap all night. Her mother trying to assure her that everything was okay told her "He will always love you dear, he's your soulmate." Her pep talk only resulted in causing Sophie to cry harder. She knew her soulmate wasn't a boy. She wondered if her soulmate also knew that she wasn't a boy, and maybe that's why she doesn't love her anymore.

She stayed home from school for a week. Because that's how long it took for the bond between them to completely break.

Having a soulmate that loves you to having one that doesn't is a traumatic experience for anyone. Especially for those whose soulmate loved them for years.

They built a strong bond together unknowingly. So when one breaks that bond the other can feel it. They can feel the color slowly fading. The burning in their eyes. The connection between them fractioning just a little bit more as the other slowly starts to fall out of love with them.

Sophie has no clue what has caused her soulmate to cut off the bond. What caused her to stop loving her. What she does know is that even if her soulmate never loves her in this life, she will continue to be there for her. She will continue to love her support her. Even if it hurts to do so.


Kate lost her mother and sister when she was thirteen. In a car crash. The Joker decided it was a great day to hijack a school bus full of children and ram them off a bridge. Batman tried to save them. He tried to save everyone on the bridge that day. But what he did wasn't enough.

While Kate made it out of the car okay her sister—her twin decided to try save their mother. Instead of following Kate out of the car, Beth and their mother ended up going over the side of the bridge and into the river.

So her mother was dead and her sister is missing and the only person she could think to blame was Batman. If he tried a little bit harder or even did what he was supposed to do and stop the Joker her family wouldn't be so—broken.

The only family she has left is her father and it's Batman's fault. Because he isn't the hero he claims to be.

And as she looked and looked and looked with no sign of Beth anywhere, the more she felt she would never be able to love in anyway after this. Loving someone eventually meant having her heart broken and she never wants to feel this way again. If that meant never finding her soulmate and never getting married and having children of her own..she thinks she would be able to survive.

And I let her get away Where stories live. Discover now