Hey, don't think we'll start being nice to you just because you're friends with Yuna, okay?

Sure, that's quite fine with me. You being nice? That'd be embarrassing.

Sure you've got some nerves.

And stop mentioning the ‘Yuna’ thing. You guys are not really her friends.

What do you mean, not her friends?

You're not meant to use her. She told me everything.

Well, how do you know you can trust her?

We've been with her for a whole freaking year, okay? And you? What even makes you believe that she'll be honest to you?

And what do you know about her attitude towards you guys last freaking year?

Pardon? Oh...perhaps you didn't see me creeping in. (Yeah, you didn't)

Would you guys just leave me alone? Why do you keep following me?

No, no, we weren't following you, Y/N. I just came to warn you...don't stay near those boys, they're dangerous for you.

(Laughing) Oh well, I never knew in my life when Yeonjun was dangerous.

Now don't act like you know him really well. I've known him for 11 years, okay?

Well...what about my 14 years?
What? Don't believe me? Then go ask your love...he'll give you the same answer.
Now excuse me

You passed through them, knocking Yeji and looked back before you left, "And yeah, he's just my friend. So don't disturb me anymore...or Yuna," and you left.

What now?

Just wait for it...it's gonna rain

And it did...pouring so heavily. So you went to the umbrella rack...but there was no umbrella of yours.
Where could it have possibly been? No idea.

Looks like I'll have to go home wet today. I thought I brought it. Isn't this great? Yeah, really great...I forgot to bring umbrella and forgot that I forgot it...awesome, I'm so proud of myself.

You kept cursing yourself as you walked home.
If you catch a cold, blame yourself, Y/N, blame yourself. You knew beforehand that it's raining and you still dare to forget it. Now it's not a rain anymore...it's literally a waterfall. You deserve it, Y/N. So many little things to ruin the day.

And what's worse is that reaching home, the door was locked.

So you waited for an hour under the rain...alone. Even your house helped the rain by not providing any shelter. Of course there's a fever ahead.


"Why did I forget my umbrella?" Yeji exclaimed loudly but Yeonjun didn't heard her.

So she repeated, "Oh gosh! It's raining...oh, Yeonjun, do you mind dropping me home, please? I'll get sick in this weather"

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