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A/N: Hello! I'm back! Sorry If these sound dumb, I'm making them up as I go.

(Y/N Pov)

As Dogmeat and I walked a long walk back to the Red Truck stop, I noticed that the Vault dweller I'm with is from Vault 111. 'I though I was the only one.' I thought to myself. Someone else made it out? Alive? This meant news to me. As we arrived at the Red Truck stop (the one near Concord) I set her down in my bed in the garage. I then created another bed, and began to start making myself and my new guest some food.

(Charlie's Pov)

When I woke up I had a splitting headache. I remembered raiders, getting beaten, and someone firing at the raiders faster than they could react. I'm guessing I passed out after that. "Ugh, my head..." I said to no-one in particular.

 Then I heard footsteps coming towards the door! Ohshitohshitohshitoshit! I looked around for a gun and picked up a 10mm pistol and pointed it at the door, waiting for someone to come through it. I saw someone else in a Vault suit. "Ah, you're aw-" he started but stopped.

"Calm down, I'm friendly." he said to me and I lowered the gun but not completely. "You hungry? I got some Radshag on on the stove." he informed me. "Who are you?" I said still pointing the gun at him. "I'm (Y/n)." he said. "You are?" he asked.

"Charlie." I told him. "My name is Charlie." I said lowering the gun completely.

(Y/n's Pov)

Charlie wolfed down her food so fast I though she would choke. "Jeez when was the last time you ate?" I asked her. "Last week." She responded. "Last week?" I said to her surprised. "What happened?" She stopped stopped eating, I began to suspect something happened. 

" My friend Vaggie, was hurt, so I covered her escape. We didn't know there were raiders there..." Charlie said to me. "I don't even know if she is still alive..." Charlie sounded like she was starting to cry. "Hey, I'm sure she's fine." I said to her. "Do you know where she went?" I said to her. "Yeah, I think she ran to Lexington." I froze when she said that. "Well let's go find her." I said.


A/N: Sorry this so long to come out, I really don't have an excuse for it other than I'm lazy. This was also originally a one-shot but hey, things change.

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