◇what a perfect little lady◇

79 3 10

◇name◇ darling dear

◇nicknames◇ little lady, princess, darling, anything

◇age◇ 16

◇gender◇ cis female

◇sexuality◇ bisexual biromantic

◇likes◇ dresses, designing, art

◇dislikes◇ being dirty, bugs, scary stuff

◇strengths◇ sketching, designing, art

◇weaknesses◇ sports, physics, horror

◇personality◇ big entrancing brown eyes. she is such a cutie!! she is a proper little lady but isnt afraid to punch you in the face. she likes designing her own clothes, so if you bunk with her watch out because she will redo your whole wardrobe. lady is very driven. she can be a bit sassy and sarcastic, and only those that really tick her off she her less than lady like side. but shes not afraid to get down and dirty with manual labour, as long as she doesnt break her nails (not for tbe fact of oh no a nail! nail techs can be scary man.)

◇family◇ lady and tramp, older brother tray

◇curriculars◇ student council, art club, design and fab

◇grade◇ 10

◇crush◇ cruciella but open

◇future goals◇ become a famous brand name designer

◇other◇ anxiety, depression



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