HeHe shrugged her shoulders, nodding.

"I can't be pregnant, HeHe. With mine and Xu Kai's careers and the wedding soon, now just isn't the time for a baby," she worried, eyebrows creasing with the emotion. HeHe frowned over at her sympathetically looking as if she was about to say something, but the waitress walked over with the food, cutting her off. And for the rest of the time, Bai Lu sat there nibbling on food here and there, far too consumed with thoughts and stress to fully eat.


Bai Lu's eyes were closed as she sat on the toilet seat, a stick revealing the outcome of the rest of her life resting in her fingers. This was the moment that'd tell her whether a little combination of her and Xu Kai was resting in her stomach or not. This single test decided her future, and she had never been more scared.


Her breath caught in her throat as she saw that word printed across the stick, informing her of the unborn child she now carried.

Xu Kai's unborn child.

Tears stung her eyes at the thought of telling him, knowing this was not the time for a child.

They both were far too young, just learning how to function in such a committed relationship.

They two still had a wedding to arrange, bringing a child into the equation didn't seem right. But now, they had no choice.

Subconsciously, her hand moved to cradle her stomach, figuratively cradling their unborn baby as she rubbed across the skin there.

Even though she knew the actual situation was not ideal in any means, the thought of carrying Xu Kai's baby, the man she loved so irrevocably, made her heart beat faster and her head feel light with giddiness. This baby inside of her resembled half of her and half of the man she loved, and that thought alone brought tears to her eyes once again, but these tears resembled something so much more than fear. These were happy tears.

The sound of the flat's door opening quickly knocked her out of her emotions. Xu Kai's footsteps along with another set could be heard as she scrambled to hide the pregnancy test. Of course, she was going to tell him, but she didn't want to tell him with company around.

Walking out of the conjoined bathroom, her ears perked up once she heard her name, and instantly she recognized the voice to be Toby's, asking how she was feeling.

"I don't know, mate," Soso sighed, and her heart felt heavy with the worry in his tone.

"She's really bad right now. Always throwing and them getting really emotional about it."

There was a pause, almost as if Toby was thinking about what he was going to say next.

"Kai," Toby suddenly gasped. "What if she's pregnant?"

"No," Xu Kai spoke entirely too quickly, sending her heart into a downward spiral.

"She can't be. I don't want to have a kid right now." How could the mere thought of her carrying his child not send a pulse of warmth through him?

"But what if she is?"

Xu Kai exhaled roughly. "I really hope she's not, Toby."

And that's when she broke, falling to the floor in a heap of tears as Xu Kai's words toxically swirled around in her head.


It was about an hour wait until the front door open and closed once again, two sets of feet following, signalling Xu Kai's and Toby's departure. And that's when Bai Lu made a dash for it, grabbing a duffel bag from the closet and stuffing it with as many clothes and other necessities that could fit. Tears streamed noiselessly down her face as she did so, the engagement ring suddenly feeling like an anvil resting on her finger. Without a second thought, she took the ring off and placed it on Xu Kai's dresser for him to see.

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