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Bai Lu's body felt weak as she continued to lean over the porcelain toilet. Her body had given up on expelling anymore food, primarily because there was no more left in her system to expel, settling on dry heaving over the toilet as her eyes burned with tears. There were even dried tears staining the skin of her cheeks as her throat seared with the remembrance of getting sick. Now she laid her head against the surface of the toilet, too utterly exhausted to move.

"Baby," her fiance's groggy voice sounded, deep with sleep as he padded into the bathroom, his fist rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Pitifully, she looked up at him with her eyes half-lidded in exhaustion. "Oh my god, baby. What's going on?"

Xu Kai rushed over once he took in the sight of her laying so helplessly by the toilet, dropping to his knees by her. His fingers delicately moved the stray hairs from her face as his eyes settled on her, wide with worry.

"I don't feel good, Kai," she cried, moving her head to fit in the crook of his shoulder. It must have been the tiredness she felt, or the fact she had been puking for hours on end, but she felt emotion forming a lump in her throat as tears, for a whole different reason, ran their course down her cheeks.

"Oh baby," he whispered as his arms wrapped themselves around her in an effort to pull her closer, attempting to rid her of this pain. "What's wrong?"

Bai Lu shrugged, cuddling closer to him. "I don't know. I must've just eaten something bad because I've been throwing up for hours."

"Why didn't you wake me up?" He asked, and she could practically hear the guilt growing inside of him with each word spoken.

"It's four in the morning, Kai. I wasn't going to wake you up for something like this," she whispered as if it was a ridiculous idea.

Xu Kai's hands moved to cup her face, pulling her away from his shoulder.

"Hey," he scolded gently. "You're my fiancée, and if you wake up in the middle of the night sick out of your mind, then I want to be there for you. Okay?"

She nodded, sniffling. "Okay."

"Okay," he repeated.

"Do you think you feel well enough to go back to bed?" His hand moved to pat the side of her hair gently, eyes soft as they peered at her.

"Yeah," Bai Lu nodded, standing up before allowing herself time to steady her balance.

Xu Kai shot up once he saw her shakiness, quickly placing his arms out on either side of her but not touching her. Once she regained her balance, she waved him off, merely taking ahold of his hand. "Let's go to bed."


"I don't know what to do, HeHe. It's been nearly a week, and everyday I get sick around three or four in the morning," Bai Lu sighed as she swirled her straw around the cup. HeHe sat across from her, nodding understandingly as you both waited for the meals you had ordered. "Kai's starting to get really worried too."

"Is there anything else wrong?" She asked as before taking a sip of her lemon water.

"Um," LuLu hummed. "I mean I've been a bit more emotional than usual, but I figured that was just because I'm sick."

HeHe sighed, squinting her eyes with the new information. "Have you taken a pregnancy test?"

"You think I'm pregnant?" Bai Lu's eyes widened as her stomach suddenly felt extremely heavy.

"Might be, love. From what it sounds like, it's very possible."

"Oh my god," she whispered more to herself than anything. "I didn't even think of that."

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