I helped my mom clean up before going to take a shower. "Hey hang out on Sat? My bro wants 2 c ya! ;)" Alli texted as I finished washing the dishes. "Hm, I'll ask l8r this week." "Lazy." "Haha ttyl, Als!" I texted.


I walked up to their walkway and knocked on the door as Alli told me. Instantly Cody opened the door and I smiled nervously "Star! You're here?  how? my address? Alli." He said and scowled when he said Alli. and hugged me, Alli came down and smiled "Hey Scar! Surprised big bro?" Alli smirked "Yes I am, Lil sis." Cody said "Well we're planning to hang out today so peace out brotha!" Alli grabbed my hand and we ran upstairs. Everywhere we past I thought of ustreams and pictures, "Guess where I'm going on Halloween?" "Hm making out with Dalton or theme park?" "Um okay 2nd guess right!" I awkwardly said. Someone knocked on Alli's door and walked in "Can Scarlet and I hang out?" Cody asked "But Coco we just started talking about girl stuff." Alli said "Just kidding it's okay. I was just about to leave." Alli shooed us out of her room and got ready for where ever she's going. 

Cody and I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. "So are you telling me today?" He hopefully asked "Do you really want me to tell you?" I asked making sure. "Super sure. After all you promised!" Cody said "Okay, well last Saturday, my brother picked me up from the movies and guess who was in the car with him?" "Your mum?" "Um good guess but no. IM5 my favorite boy band ever. We all ended up heading to my house and I went to my room right away feeling embarrassed after telling Hunter everything." I said "Then after 30 minutes of listening to music someone walked into my room and it was Dalton. He said he was looking for my brother's room so he can get eyeliner. And I replied saying that Hunter doesn't have eyeliner." "He wears eyeliner?" Cody questioned.

"Yes, so I gave him my glitter eyeliner by accident and he winked at me while leaving my room. Later that night, all the boys went somewhere or so I thought and I heard a noise so I grabbed my baseball bat and went downstairs. I saw a figure sitting on the couch and I attacked it and we fell off the couch." "Who was it?" Cody was curious "It said Ouch what the hell and I recognized it as Dalton and he was on top of me! I started asking why he was there apparently he was taking a nap and the boys left.  Then I asked if he was going to get off of me but he started flirting with me instead, a couple minutes later he started leaning towards my face and did the unsuspected thing ever, he bit my lip." I said "He bit your lip?" Cody covered up his chuckle "Yeah and then he got off of me and acted like nothing happened. I called my bro to ask when he was coming home and he said later. So I was just singing along to music in my room after."

"What song?" He smiled "Standing In China, anyways Dalton soon walked in and complimented my singing, he sat down as far from me but started getting closer to me as we started talking more until we became hungry and he wouldn't let me eat cold pizza so we left my house and went to the closest Chipotle." "Seems fun." Cody had a blank face "So half way there, I complain that I'm lazy so he made me get on his back and said I shouldn't be so insecure." "Seems great." Cody seemed like he was having a hard time speaking "Do you want me to continue?" I asked "Yeah. I'm curious." He said.

Cody's P.O.V

It was painful hearing that, and there's still more! "Remember curiosity killed the cat." Scarlet warned, too late I was dead already "Okay after we finished eating, we were walking back hand in hand, but I started feeling cold so he gave me his leather jacket and put his arm around my waist." I should be doing that, giving my jacket to her when she's cold and putting my arm around her waist. "Later that night I had a craving for blueberries so I went downstairs quietly and someone walks into the kitchen, it was Dalton and he noticed I was still wearing his jacket. He told me he wanted me to keep it and then his arms were on both sides of the counter trapping me. He leaned in and whispered that he wanted to kiss me and then closed the space between us and to be truthful I liked it... a lot. What do I do now?" She had came to me for advice and it pains me a lot just to answer.

"Do what your heart says and just be chill about it." I said "Thanks for the advice Cody." She side hugged me and I felt my heart beat faster. "No problem." We enjoyed the silence for a while until Alli walked downstairs shouting that she'll be at a love pastry shoes photo shoot and was sorry. "So what can we do now?" I asked "I don't know..." She said and we decided to just  play with youtube and do random things all day. Her phone would ring at certain times and she would text back, but she didn't tell me who it was. Her phone was ringing again and I just wanted to ask who it was. "Sorry Cody, I don't know what my bro and his friends want." Scarlet apologized after she replied to the message. 

"Oh, it's okay." I said, she put her phone on vibrate and hung out with me the entire day without checking her phone. It felt nice that she would ignore those text messages from her friends, just to hang out with me. I placed my arm over Scarlet's shoulder as we watched The Walking Dead. She leaned her head onto my shoulder and at that moment, my heart skipped a beat. 


Two updates in ONE day! So yeah. I <3 everyone. VOMMENT. JK. NO SERIOUS. 

I like to cook :)

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