The Meeting

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Hey guys, I'm back. I hope you didn't have to wait too long. If you did I'm really sorry!

I've had homework for virtual school. Anyway, on to the story!


Damian's POV

I walked as slow as possible making my way to the entrance of the manor, Father had said there was someone he wished for me to be acquainted with. Knowing father it was most likely an incompetent low life trying to get on fathers good side. I don't disagree with seeing said person, as I don't wish to make Grayson upset.

As I'm walking in the halls I see Grayson rushing towards me. He has that usual, weird, Grayson, grin on his face. "Hurry up Dami, you don't wanna miss saying hi to our guest, do you?! I'm sure you two will get along well!" He then rushes off back in the direction that he magically appeared from.

I take this time to stare at the grey hallways. Grey is the only color I know and will most likely ever know. I decide not to dwell on the subject. "Who needs love anyways?" I think to myself.

Soon I reach the living room. I see Clark Kent entering the mansion, though it seems as if there's a figure behind him. I think nothing of it, as it is probably Conner Kent. I stand beside my father who is already greeting the blue boy scout.

To say the least I'm very confused, so I did what I'm best at and voiced my opinion. "Father, I am sure I have been acquainted with Kent." The figure from earlier steps out from behind Mr. Kent. I see now that it is a boy around my age, though slightly taller. Only slightly of course.

"Damian," father says, "meet Jonathan Kent, also known as Superboy." Then it clicks. I remember father saying that Superman had two sons.

The boy reached his hand out towards me smiling. "Hi, you can just call me Jon."

I just tutted, "I don't have time for this." I said boredly

"Damian," father said warningly, "why don't you take Jon here up to your room, so that me and Clark can talk."

I sigh, eventually I lead Jon up to my room. He looks tense "TT I won't kill you," I sigh, "...yet" I only whispered that last part but I guess he does have super hearing, 'cause he was just looking at me wide eyed. I hadn't realized Grayson was also walking down the hall.

Jon's POV

Did he just say he was gonna kill me?! I think panicking in my head.

I stay still but then I see Dick walking towards me. "It's ok he won't kill you, if he tries to then me and him are gonna have a little talk. Besides I think he likes you he hasn't tried to murder you yet!" It helps me calm down a little, though it still isn't that comforting.

I see Dick walk off to wherever he came from. I see Damian waiting for me patiently looking around. Wait can he see color? Has he found his soulmate? That's so cool! I'll ask him later.

I realized that I was staring at Damian cause he was giving me a weird look.

Damian's POV

Grayson comes up and whispers something in Jon's ear. Grayson eventually walks off and I'm left with Kent staring at me. Why? Did I do something wrong? It's getting a little annoying so I go back to looking at the non-colorless world. He must've noticed he was staring, so he looked away.

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