Widowmaker x Reader (Part 1)

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(I wrote this awhile ago with no particular plot line, just a sweet little clip of you comforting Amélie)

I woke in my bunk to the sound of silent sniffling across the room.

I sat up silently and slipped out of bed, only to find Amélie with silent tears pouring down her cheeks, dripping onto her pillow. Her hands were knotted into the blankets, and her eyebrows knitted together, a slight grimace painting across her features and another tear falling down her cheek.

I was fascinated, I'd never seen her cry before, I would barely get reactions out of her while she was awake, but it broke my heart to see her in pain, and without thinking about how Amélie would react, I reached out, cupping her face gently and brushed away her tears with my thumb.

I felt her stiffen at my touch, and her eyes shot open, a glare already forming in her sharp amber gaze.

"Why are you looking at me like that." she asked flatly.

I quickly pulled my hand away from against her cheek and moved to stand, but Amélie caught me by the wrist and pulled me closer, studying the dampness on my fingers, her gaze shifting between my hand to my face, the glare was replaced by a unreadable expression and her lips were pressed in a fine line.

"Have you been crying?" Amélie asked in a whisper, searching my eyes.

I shook my head slowly, she hadn't let go of my wrist yet. Her fingers were cool to the touch and surprisingly gentle.

A look of confusion crossed her face as she wiped at her own eyes, only for her hand to come back damp.

"You've been crying." I said quietly, scanning her face for a reaction.

Amélie sat up, her face inches from mine. "That's impossible, I'm incapable of it."

"I think you were just having a nightmare." I replied, gently brushing a strand of her silky hair behind her ear, before pulling my other hand out of her grip and turning to walk back to my bunk.

"I do not want to have another nightmare" Amélie said quietly from behind me.

I stopped, shifting my weight from one foot to the other deciding what to do.

 I turned back around to face her.

Amélie shuffled over in her bunk to make room for me, and patted the empty space.

I slid under the covers, encircled my arms around her waist and pulled her close.

"Goodnight." I mumbled, already dozing off.

"Goodnight, cherrie"

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