Enough -JAB

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There's been many times when I haven't felt like myself...
somedays I don't want to get out of bed
but instead tell the entire world to go away ...
don't bother me I said
just let me be let me cry alone covered in sheets dampened by tears because I cry and say I'm not beautiful grandma says to me baby that's not true
but grandma doesn't understand The things I go

through see she was only discriminated by the white people due to her race but has a skin complexion lighter then day I'm discriminated by MY people tricked and teased saying I'd never be what society wants me to be because I'm too dark

"you aren't what guys are looking for"though
I pay it absolutely no mind in the moment but when I am all alone in my room I analyze the things spoken to me trying to find a better way to make myself seem like a different type of beauty maybe I'd win personality wise but I guess these brothers rather a girl with no ambition or drive but want her to be thick and all ass and thighs don't forget light skinned
imagine admiring someone who doesn't see who you're as someone they could see

themselves with because you aren't  4 shades lighter then what "you're supposed to be" see I'm real tired of trying to be what everyone thinks I should be but how could you go down the right path if no ones leading you into the right direction  looking to the light ain't gone help you home so in that case you have to decide weather you're with it will and abide or do you run and hide with the pain you feel believing you'll never be accepted

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2020 ⏰

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