One shot

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It was crisp cold Monday morning and Amber was running late for office. She got up and ran all over her apartment grabbing her bag and coat to reach in time. She stormed out of her apartment and ran down to the London Underground. She paid for her ticket and ran to reach the Cambridge Express, she was pleased that she made it in time, went and sat inside the empty train removed her iPod and Nicholas sparks novel to keep her company during the long ride.

After a couple of stops the train was filling up with people of all age groups, an old lady walked through the door and stood there searching for a seat, Amber stood up and offered her a seat, the lady kissed her cheek and sat down. She now stood linking her arm to the metal bar for support, as the train continued to move in a considerable fast speed,

she kept swaying back and forth and she grabbed on to the bar even tighter, engulfed in her novel she was just a couple of stations away from her college. The train abruptly stopped and she looked up to see te station, the door swung open and the blast of cold air hit her face. A boy with brown hair wearing a black hoodie and red headphones rushed through the doors and smiled to himself. Amber looked at him and wondered why she never saw him before, he looked at her and gave a really big smile. She turned away immediately and continued to read her book, some seats got empty and she made her way to sit down for a while, the seat in front of her was empty so she placed her bag on it. After a while she felt a tap on her shoulder, she looked up and saw it was the headphone guy, she removed one earphone and looked at him pointing towards the empty seat. He put forward his hand and asked in a hush tone with a thick accent "hey can I sit here ?"

Amber smiled and said "yeah sure sorry."

She removed her bag and put it under the seat, she put back her headphone and continued to read.

The whole time she felt that he was watching her but she felt that her mind was playing with her.

The last station finally arrived and Amber was preparing to leave, she picked her bag up and put her iPod and novel back inside. She stood up and suddenly the jerked back as the train stopped, she was about to fall back and two hands held her back. She stood upright and thanked him as she made her way out of the station.


Amber came back home after a long day of work and she settled into the couch eating dinner, her friend came home and the ate dinner together discussing about their day.

Amber spoke about the headphone guy and how he helped her when she was about to fall.

They went to bed and she could not stop thinking about this stranger.

Next day she woke up and got ready for college. She had a regular schedule everyday which sort of bored her but she couldn't get out of it until her final exams were done, she was graduating early in fall so she had a chance to work for the most established firms in the UK.

She got into the Cambridge Express and sat down, after a couple of stops she noticed it was the same station that he came the previous day. She couldn't see him, she sighed and continued reading, luckily she had an opportunity to sit today. The train continued to travel along the everyday designated path and she looked up and saw the headphones guy was there. He kept looking at her, his arm was linked around the metal bar. He shot her a warm smile and continued looking at her with a mixture of admiration and warmth. She smiled back at him, he had a paper in his hand, he unfolded it and in the most childish handwriting he wrote "hey !"

He raised his eyebrow and shrugged his shoulders.

She laughed and removed a paper from her bag and scribbled in capitals "HEY !"

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