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"Get up rat!" I heard my uncle yell at me as he slapped me. My eyes open and meet his. "Get your bag ready then meet us outside." He said as he kicked my stomach and proceeded to drag a piece of glass along my right arm, and punch my left eye. I felt tears form in my eyes. "Stop! Stop!" I yell out in pain. "Also clean that blood up." He said as he slammed my door. I finally began to cry as I headed towards my bathroom.

  I grabbed the first aid kit and began to get the tiny glass shards out of my arm. I peeled from my clothes and look down. I felt a trickle of blood down my stomach. I look down and see the big wound my cousin left. I sighed as I began to wipe the blood away. I then began to start the shower and get cleaned up.

  As I got into the shower, thoughts were forming into my head. 'What if my uncle doesn't recognize me?' 'What if he is abusive like his brother.' 'What if he doesn't care about me?' All these thoughts began to rush. I washed my hair and body and got out.

  I looked at the wound on my stomach and sigh. "Why me of all people?" I mutter. I started to fix it and wrap gauze around it. Then I wrap my arm up in gauze when I put medicine on it. I then put my bra and underwear on. Then I put a pair of black leggings and a jacket on. I grab my first aid kit for safety and enter my room.

  I grabbed all my clothes and put them in my bag. Which was very little. Then I stuff my first aid kit in the bag as well. I grabbed my glasses case and stuffed it in the bag as well. I turn to look and see if I'm forgetting anything. Then I see a gold heart shaped locket sitting in my dresser. I walk over to it and grab it. I open it to regal a picture of mom, dad, my brother Tiago, and me. We all looked so happy. The day before all of them left to go on a business trip. I moved my hair to the side and put the locket on.

  I walked down stairs and see my family waiting there. "What took you so long!!" My aunt yelled at me. She grabbed me by the hair and dragged me outside to the speeder. I sat in the back and start rubbing my hair on where she was pulling. Definitely won't be missing this.

  We got to the station and they forcefully pushed me out. They threw my bag on the ground and drove off. I picked myself up and grabbed my stuff and made my way into the station.

  "What hangar is to Tatooine?" I ask the person. "Tatooine...ah, hangar eighty-nine." He said. "Thanks sir." I said. Then he yelled out, "If I was you I would start running they depart in two minutes!" He yells.

  I barely got there in time. The shuttle began to shut the door when I began to bang my fists against the door. Then they opened up. "Sorry..." I said as I found a seat in the middle row. To be honest there wasn't that many people there, maybe around fifteen people. I placed my head against the window. I felt the vibrations of the engine starting up. Then we took off. "Next stop Tatooine, we should be arriving around 17:36." The pilot said. Now I don't have to face that crazy family. "New planet. New people. New me." I muttered to myself.

I look over to my left and see a family of three sitting there. A mother, father, and a son. They looked so happy and wouldn't give a care in the universe. The mom looked up and probably saw a broken sixteen year old looking at the family. She gives me a soft smile and returns to what she was doing with her family.

I lay my head my back and fall asleep.

"Mommy....daddy look at me!" Four year old me yells out to them. "Be carful sweetheart make sure you don't fall." They both said. "I won't." I yelled back as I fell. "Ta-dah." "See I didn't get hurt." I said standing up. Then my older brother Tiago comes outside. He goes straight to mom and dad. I hear a bunch of gasps and whispers. I stand there dumbfounded on what's going on. Then I ask, "What's going on?" All three of them turn to me and side glance each other. They all sigh and head towards me. "You see sweetie mommy, Tiago, and I all have a business trip to go on." Dad says kneeling down in front of me. He pushes my brown curly hair out of my eyes. "For how long?" I ask. "Well see that's the problem...we don't know when we will be coming back. It could be next week, it could be next month, or next year." Mom says to me. "So where am I going to go?" I ask. "Well your going to go to Aunt Martha's and Uncle Tony's." Dad says. "But why can't I just go with you guys." I ask tears pooling up in my eyes. "Honey we can't, you know this." Dad says. Mom picks me up and we head inside. She grabs a bag and puts clothes and some toys in there. "Do I have to go?" I ask. "Yeah, cause when we get back I'm going to make up on what we missed and we'll go out for food." Tiago says. "Ok." I giggled. I walked out to the speeder with my family. Tiago lifts me up and I sit in his lap. I put my head on his shoulder. "I'm going to miss you Tiago." I said. "I'm going to miss you, too." He says to me. "Remember you're my favorite brother." I said to him. "I'm your only brother." He says. "Yeah." I said. We got to my aunt and uncles house. Mom takes me from Tiago. I give him one last hug and whisper to him, "I love you til the end of the line." "I love you til the end of the line, forever and always." He says back. "Also don't do anything stupid." He says to me and ruffles my hair. "No promises." I say back and give him a final hug good bye. Mom and dad take me inside. "Bye babygirl I love you so much." Dad says to me as he hugs me one final time. "I love you dad." I say to him. "Love you sweetheart so very much." Mom says to me. "Also here in this box is something very special." She says pulling out a small white box handing it to me. "Open it." She says with a smile. I open the box and see a gold necklace. "This is called a locket. When you open it there's a picture inside." She says as she opens it. I see a picture of Tiago, mommy, daddy, and I. "Thanks mom." I said. "No problem." She says. "Well we best be going." Dad says. "Bye baby." They said and hug me one final time and leave. I look at my aunt and uncle and they welcome me. They show me to my room. Then when I thought everything was going to be okay it wouldn't. From then on everything hurt.
*flashback/nightmare over*

I wake up and I feel a tear sliding down my left cheek. I quickly wipe the tear away. "Only ten more hours to go." I whisper to myself. I place my head on the window feeling the vibrations of the shuttle.

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