chapter 4- info-chan

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Info-chan sat at her desk, staring at her computer, learning that Saki Miyu had lost her bra on school grounds. "That slut," Info-chan scoffed to herself. "Aww look at that. She did it for her best friend, Kokona. At least shes a sweet slut."
She heard the door open and knew it was Ayano Aishi. "Yandere-chan," Info-chan said emotionlessly.
"Hello." Ayano wasn't surprised Info-Chan knew who it was walking in. She knew everything. Then again, Ayano was the only one who knew where to find the red-haired girl.
"I heard you kidnapped Ms. Ruto."
Ayano rolled her eyes. "Yeah. I did. Taro has Osana and now I have Oka."
"You know they're looking for her," said Info-chan without looking up from her computer.
"I know. I go to Akidemi too."
"They think Shin took her and they both disappeared. I know better. I know what you did to that boy."
"Ah. You know me too well, Info-chan, " Ayano said with a mischievous glint in her eye.
"Why did you come here?" Info-chan asked turning her chair around to see the yandere.
"What, I'm not allowed to visit my friend?"
Info-chan turned back around.
"I'm just fucking with you, dumbass," Ayano said laughing.
"Hey! I was just kidding," Ayano said taken aback.
"So was I."
Ayano sighed. "Oka's been acting... weird lately."
"Well the girls' been kidnapped, what can I say?"
"Well, she's been acting... more strange than usual..."
"How so?"
"She's not eating anything I give her, no drinking, not sleeping and not talking. Usually she eats what I give her. But no matter what I put in front of her, she doesn't even touch it," Ayano felt on the verge of tears. She loved Oka and didn't want her getting sick.
"Maybe that's how she deals with stress."
"Maybe..." said Ayano, shifting her feet. "I don't know. I'm worried."
Info-chan turned around and stood up. "If you two are soulmates you'll know what to do, Aishi."
"But what if I don't?" Ayano said. "What if I had one senpai, and that was Taro, and I missed my chance?"
"Does Oka make you feel the way you did with Taro?"
"Yes, of course she does! If not, she makes me feel happier and more free than Taro ever made me feel!"
"Well for a girl with personality disorders, that sure sounds like a senpai for you." Info-chan sat back down and swiveled back to her computer screen.
"You're right, Info-chan. I do love her, I really do, and that's why I'm worried."
"The girl will be fine. Just give her some space."
Ayano sighed and looked down at her feet. "Yeah. Okay. Thanks, Info-chan."
"Of course, Yandere-chan. Of course."

Oka X Ayano: Please Dont Kill Me... (FINISH WRITING IT IF YOU WANT)Where stories live. Discover now