The Escape

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      You knew you wouldn't be able to escape through the door since it was locked. You saw a window but it had bars covering the way out however if you were able to get through the bars under was a long fall into lava. You were startled hearing the door open seeing a koopa enter the room holding a dress. "Majesty, my king has stated that you wear this dress to dinner." The koopa stated leaving the dress on the bed. "When you're done dressing I will escort you to the dinning room." He stated and you nodded in agreement leaving you alone.

    You looked at the dress, it was black with a red lace in the waist area. There was also a choker with spikes and two bracelets like the choker. (H-he sure has a strict dress code...) You thought to your self. You ignored the dress looking around but remembered the koopa would re-enter the room soon, giving you an idea to hide under the bed. "Your majesty are you ready?" You heard the koopa ask behind the door. You quickly hid under the bed keeping your dress from being seen. You waited and you saw the door open seeing the koopa's feet wonder the room.

   "She has escaped!! King Bowser!!" You saw him leaving the room running and you quickly got out the room trying to find a way out. Running through many halls you entered many rooms not being able to find an exit.

Bowser's Pov:

   "decorate the table! I want everything in its place! We have a guest for today~" With a grin I yelled at the subjects making sure everything is perfect. Crashing through a door I heard a koopa yelling not understanding a word he said. "What is going on?!" I ask with frustration and tried to calm him down. "The p-princess!!" Yelled the koopa with an agitated tone. As soon as I heard him I quickly ran to the princess's room seeing the princess no where in sight, the dress still on the bed. In frustration I yelled ordering the guards to look for the princess. "She must not escape!!" I quickly yelled running through the castle look for any signs of the princess.


  Hearing Bowser's yells through out the castle made you run faster trying to escape. "I must escape to warn my sister!" You reached a conner seeing many koopa guards. "Hey stop right there!!" Yelled one of the koopa guards. Running after you, you began to run towards the other direction holding your dress up just enough allowing you to run faster. "We found her!!" Yelled another koopa guard. You could hear heavy foots steps causing you to look back seeing Bowser. Frightened you reached a floor with lava, distracted you tripped over your dress causing you to fall the edge heading towards the lava. "A-ahh!!" You yelled frightened but before reaching the lava you felt a clawed hand grab you from the waist. You opened your eyes with a few tears seeing bowser grabbing you tightly lifting you up to safety. (H-he saved me?...) You asked your self looking at him. "Are you hurt?" He asked in a deep voice looking at you in your half burnt dress. "I am f-fine..." You look at him noticing a big burn on his arm. "Y-you're hurt!" You looked at him worried. "I'm fine! should go change then you can come down for dinner" He stated hiding his burnt marks. "P-please let me-" You were caught off by Boswer. "Take her to her room." He stated looking at the guards. Koopa guards excorted you back to your room, feeling guilty you looked back at Bowser seeing him turning around to enter a room.

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