Im going to hell

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• Alex POV •

I stared at her door for a moment. I couldn't process it. Why couldn't she just tell me.

I shrugged it off, maybe she was just on her period. She did seem pretty pissed.

But that wasn't stopping me.

Yea. Maybe she was on her period. I can make her feel better. Then she'll love me!

"I'll have a large cheese and pepperoni." I said at the cashier.

I was currently getting some pizza. I don't know if she likes cheese or pepperoni, so I got both!

A few minutes after ordering, my pizza was finally done. I paid and left to head to y/n's house.

Once I arrived I figured she wouldn't open the door. So what better way then to surprise her! I walked to the side of her house and tried looking through the windows. I couldn't see anything.

I saw a light though. It looked like a phone. Behind it I could see an outline of a person. Someone was in here.

I opened the window carefully, trying not to reveal myself. But as soon as I walked in I heard something I didn't expect to hear.


I instantly regretted coming through the window. Who the fuçk came up with that idea? Stupidest idea in the world. This was the most uncomfortable shįt ever.

I creeped over to a wall and let my hands wander around for light switch.
After like 2 hours I finally found the motherfuçker.

Everything went bright. And I also regretted turning on the lights.

Should've left when I had the chance.

In front of me was y/n's sister masterbatįng. I. Was. Frozen.

"WHAT THE FUÇK!" She screamed, and I jumped at her voice shrieking.

"I uh, I'm sorry. I thought this was y/n's room." I looked down.

But also regretted that too.

I saw her phone was on. But a picture of me was pulled up. I think I'm completely scarred for life.

"GET OUT OF MY ROOM." She screamed when she saw me look at her phone. She also was bright red like me.

I fiddled with the knob nervously trying to open it. I slammed the door and let out a huge breath.

It all happened so quickly.

"What. The. Fuçk. Were. You. Doing. In. My. Sisters. Room." I heard someone say.

My head shot up and y/n was in the hallway looking at me as if she were planning my murder.

I'm going to hell.

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